Page 70 of God Of Vengeance

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When I just stare at her, she lets out a sigh, then says. “Once, Santo beat me so badly, he dislocated my jaw. My father has broken my ribs countless times. I was starved and mostly stayed in my bedroom. The only attention I got from my family was violent.” I feel a burst of energy from her right before she yanks her hands free from mine and climbs off my lap. “I don’t want to talk about this!”

When she walks toward the doorway, I snap, “Stop!”

I get up from the sofa and close the distance between us. Taking hold of Gabriella’s arm, I turn her around so she’s facing me.

Her eyes lock with mine, her expression completely blank.

“Don’t ever walk away while we’re talking,” I mutter the order.

Gabriella just nods.

More anger pours into my chest. “And don’t wear that fucking mask in front of me.”

Confusion flutters over her face. “What mask?”

“The one where nothing can touch you.” I lean a little down, my eyes burning into hers. “Don’t hide your vulnerable side from me.”

Her eyes narrow as she says, “Showing any kind of vulnerability is being weak.”

I shake my head. “Not when it’s just the two of us. Around other people, you can be a little spitfire, but with me, you’ll be raw and honest. I need to know what kind of trauma you suffered so I know how to deal with it.”

Worry darkens her eyes. “You won’t think less of me?”

“No.” I lift my hand and wrap my fingers around the back of her neck. “You’re my fiancée, and I need to get to know every part of you, Gabriella.”

The defiance in her eyes lessens a bit.

With the light from the walk-in closet and the bedroom, I’m able to see every inch of Gabriella, her pajamas barely covering her body. Her nipples strain against the satin fabric, and the shorts … fuck her shorts.

Desire bleeds through my veins, and it makes me grab hold of her hips. I lift her from her feet, and as my mouth takes hers prisoner, I stalk to her bed, where I slam her down onto the rumbled covers.

A shocked breath explodes from her, and I drink it like the sweet nectar it is.

When my body covers hers, Gabriella’s hands press against my shoulders. I grab her wrists and pin her arms down on either side of her head, and she has no choice but to spread her legs so she can accommodate my hips.

I fucking feast on her mouth, my mind quickly clouding with a hunger I’ve never felt before. It’s fucking insatiable and dangerous.

Dangerous because this woman already has a hold on me I can’t shake. She’s beneath my skin and crawling into my chest where my heart is supposed to be.

My tongue lashes against hers, memorizing her mouth and her sweet, sweet fucking taste.

My hands move down her arms and over her sides. When my palms find her ass, I rub my aching cock against the scorching heat coming from her pussy.

We both groan, and I almost lose my fucking mind.

The kiss turns wild, and with zero control, I start to thrust against her pussy, my hard-on rubbing her clit through the fabric.

“Dio,” she moans into my mouth. She brings her hands to my jaw, and then my little spitfire starts to kiss me back with so much passion stars explode behind my eyelids.

My hips continue to move, and I rub her pussy raw, my cock fucking desperate for every bit of friction I can get.

When Gabriella lifts her hips, and she begins to meet my thrusts, gasps spill from her lips. “Dio…Dio…Dio.”

Her body strains against mine, and I break the kiss to watch her face as she comes apart beneath me.

She looks fucking angelic, her swollen lips parted, and her eyes clouded with pleasure.

There’s no stopping me as I move down her body. Grabbing her shorts, I rip them down her legs.

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