Page 37 of God Of Vengeance

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There’s a chill in the air, reminding me Christmas is around the corner.

Hopefully, Miguel will be dead soon so that I can enjoy the holidays with my mother.

My thoughts turn to the meeting I had with the other capos this morning. Dario didn’t mention anything about getting laid last night, so I’m pretty sure it was a one-night stand.

Maybe putting off talking to him about Gabriella isn’t such a wise idea.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I bring up his number and press dial.

Within seconds Dario answers, “I don’t have any solid leads on Miguel.”

“That’s not why I’m calling,” I mutter.

“Oh, did you miss me?”

I swear, sometimes he drives me up the wall.

Ignoring his question, I ask, “Was last night a one-night stand?”

“Huh?” he grunts in my ear. “Since when are you interested in my sex life?”

“I’m not,” I snap. “Just answer the fucking question.”

“No, it wasn’t.”


“You’re dating?” I ask.

“Yeah. I found myself a little dancer. We’re going on our first date tomorrow.”

I let out a sigh. “Are you serious about the woman?”

“As serious as a heart attack. By the way, she lives in Brownsville. If you plan on attacking, give me a heads up so I can get her out of there.”

Christ, what the fuck do I do with Gabriella.

“Why all the questions?” Dario asks, his tone growing suspicious.

“No reason,” I mutter. “Just keeping an eye on you.” I’m about to hang up, then add, “Get yourself some guards. You’re way too careless.”

“Aww ... I knew you ca–”

Before he can finish the sentence, I end the call and shove the device back into my pocket.

I hear movement behind me, and a moment later, Carlo comes to stand next to me.

With his gaze resting on the view of the lake, he asks, “You okay?”

I let out a heavy breath. “Yes.”

“Your mother?”

“She’s fine.”

He nods, then turns his head to look at me. “What are you going to do with Gabriella?”

Fuck knows.

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