Page 23 of God Of Vengeance

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He pours me a tumbler of whiskey from my private selection. Handing me the drink, he lifts an eyebrow at me.

“They’re all falling one by one and starting families,” I mutter.

“Why is that a problem?”

“Just more people to protect.”

“They have their own guards,” Carlo says as he stands in front of the one-way glass overlooking the club’s interior, and his gaze slowly sweeps over all the people.

“Not Dario. The fucker is stubborn and careless.” I take a sip, letting the alcohol burn down my throat. “Remind me to talk to him about it.”

“Will do.”

While I enjoy the whiskey, my thoughts turn to Gabriella. When she walked into the dining room, it was hard not to stare. I’ll never admit it out loud, but I love the way she dresses.

Christ. I need to get laid.

I can’t remember when I was last with a woman.

Six months?

Frowning, I glance at Carlo. “When’s the last time I got laid?”

“Fuck.” He shakes his head. “The blonde?”

“What blonde?”

He lets out a chuckle. “Let’s just say it’s been a while.”

Should I be worried that I haven’t needed a woman’s company in months?

Suddenly, the memory of Gabriella ducking against my side when the private jet landed pops into my mind, and I almost let out a growl.

The fuck, no.

Getting up, I stalk out of the lounge to get away from the unwelcome memory.

“Where are we going?” Carlo asks when he falls into step beside me.

“The penthouse.”

I need solitude so I can recharge after being among people for the past two days.

When we climb into the SUV, Carlo asks, “Want me to order something for dinner?”


I glance out the window, and once again, Gabriella pops into my mind.

Last night in the helicopter, when she gripped my thigh, sent an unwanted burst of attraction through me.

A frown forms on my forehead, and as I wipe my fingers over my lips, I forcefully shove the woman out of my thoughts.

The moment Carlo brings the SUV to a stop in the underground parking, I shove the door open and climb out. My eyes roam over the area, and seeing all my guards at their posts, I walk to the elevator.

On the way up to the top floor, Carlo says, “I’ll order steak.”


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