Page 98 of Iron Rations

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“No,” I gritted out. “Because she could hurt someone.”

“Right, and then there would be witnesses,” Fox said slowly.

“We’re trying to de-escalate the situation,” I hissed.

“Why? I say, more power to her. Obviously, this guy did her wrong. It’s like a bad country song. Seriously, when are guys gonna learn to just sing a song when they feel the pain coming on? That’s what I do.”

“Yeah, while you’re torturing people. I hardly think if he had sung her a show tune, it would have solved all their problems.”

“You don’t know that. Singing saves lives!”

“Only in your world!”

“Not true. In my world, it helps me take lives!” Fox shouted.

“And how is that helpful right now?”

“It won’t help her, but maybe someone else in the room right now is thinking about murdering someone. Don’t you think sharing my wisdom would help?”

“Your wisdom doesn’t help anyone. Nobody even understands you. You walk around singing show tunes and throwing knives and eating Funyuns! That doesn’t apply to a single person on this earth.”

“Uh…it applies to me!” Fox snapped. “And maybe if more people ate Funyuns and carried throwing knives and sang show tunes, they’d be happier people. Did you ever think of that?”

“Sure, it ranks up there with my daily thoughts on your obsession with pickled pigs’ feet!”

“Hey, those are good!” he jabbed a finger at me.

I grabbed and twisted his finger, bringing him to his knees. He was pissing me off so much right now, and if it weren’t for all the people watching us, I might actually lose my shit and kill him. But I was too calm for that. I would not go crazy. I would not let this man affect my life.

Taking a deep breath, I released him and lowered my voice. “There are people watching. How about we conduct ourselves the way we should and put a stop to the madness?”

He grumbled as he got off his knee. “Fine, but only because I really want my waffles.”

“Thank you.”

I turned back to the woman, but she was no longer there. Paramedics were loading the man onto a stretcher and the police had the woman cuffed in the corner. In fact, there wasn’t a single person paying attention to us.

Rae appeared behind us, slinging her arms around our shoulders. “While you ladies were bickering, the woman simply gave up and handed herself over to the police. I think she was tired of hearing you argue.”

She clapped us both on the back and walked back to the booth. Looking around the room, I scratched my jaw in confusion.

“You know,” Fox whispered, “she gave up because of our…unique method of distraction. Honestly, we disarmed her quietly and effectively.”

“Exactly,” I huffed. “Good work.”

He held out his hand and grinned. “To a job well done.”

I shook his hand and returned to the table, sliding in when Raven stood.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I nodded to Fox.

“So, is that how you handled things when you were a police officer?” Raven whispered. “Very effective. You were playing the part so well, you didn’t even see FNG sneak up on her from behind.”

My head whipped in her direction. “What?”

She smiled at me. “But I’m sure your bickering caused the distraction he needed to take her down.” She patted my arm. “You’re an unsung hero.”


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