Page 85 of Iron Rations

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“If we’re drinking, it’ll make it easier for him to kill us.”

FNG laughed. “Do you really think the Slayer needs you to be drunk to kill you?” He slapped me on the back and pulled up a chair of his own. “To Russia!” he shouted, grabbing his own drink.

“Na zdoróv’je!”

“Na zdoróv’je!” FNG and Fox shouted.

I rolled my eyes as Raven lifted her own glass and downed the contents in one swallow. This was not what I expected when I arrived.

I spent the entire night keeping watch as everyone else got wasted. For some reason, they didn’t seem all that distrusting about Ivan. Even Rae eventually gave in to his charms. I found an empty room on the second floor that didn’t have busted-out windows and chose that for our sleeping arrangements for the night.

I was dead tired and in desperate need of some coffee, but there was no way I was leaving anyone here with Ivan the Slayer. Raven groaned beside me, rolling to her side before spitting dust out of her mouth.

She sat up, brushing it from her face as she looked around the room and grimaced. “This is not the Four Seasons.”

“This is barely a house,” I commented.

She jerked around and finally saw me leaning against the wall. “What are you doing here?”

“Saving your life.”

“From who?”


She looked confused for a moment, pressing her hand to her head. “How much did I drink last night?”

“Before or after I arrived?”

She groaned, flopping back down on the ground. “Just kill me.”

“I didn’t sit through the whole night with you so you could give up now.”

“How can my stomach hurt this much? Did I eat an entire cow?”

“No, but there was a lot of vodka involved.”


“I already said that.”

“I know, but now I remember it. This is so bad.” She sat up suddenly and I thought she was going to be sick. “Nicholas—” She squeezed my arm. “He wants the eggs.”

“He already has them. I got a history lesson last night about them.”

“Yes, about the last Emperor and something about…something hidden inside!”

“Yeah, I heard that too.”

“No, but don’t you see? If he takes the eggs, I’ll still have the mafia after me!”

Man, she was really slow this morning. “Yes, I realize that.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’m working on it.”

“Working on it?” she jumped to her feet, nearly falling sideways as she swayed. “I can’t afford to wait for you to work on it. What if he’s working with the mob? Or the government? Did you know he used to be a KGB agent?”

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