Page 82 of Iron Rations

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“This passion—this fire—it is what drives him to stand by you, to protect you.”

“Maybe someone should tell him that I can protect myself.”

He smiled at me. I knew I was in for it. Another story or life lesson.

“Let me tell you story?—”

Man, I called it.

“When I was young KGB agent, I fell in love with woman so beautiful, I could not resist the temptation to possess her. She was…my Fabergé egg. So beautiful, so delicate and intricate, so…exquisite. But it was not to be.”

“Why not?”

“It would have been treason to even look at her. But even so, we were at a ball one night and there she was in this beautiful gown. She sparkled in the candlelight. I will never forget the way she looked when her eyes met mine. It was…electric.”

Candlelight? How old was this guy?

“Our love was not to be. For a beautiful moment, I held her in my arms and made love to her.”

Ew, gross. I didn’t want to think about this man having sex.

“And when we were caught, she pleaded for my life.”

“What happened?”

“She stabbed herself in the heart and died instantly,” he said without even a hint of remorse.

“Oh…that’s terrible.”

“It was for best.” His shoulders shook with laughter. “She was spy! Her husband was so grateful, he shook my hand.”

“Um…” I wasn’t sure where to go with this. What was the moral of the story? “That…is terrible?”

“It was good. I was so in love with her, I might have revealed secrets.”

“But I thought you loved her.”

“We cannot help who we fall in love with. Even for short time, she was mine. And then she was burned, and I was reassigned. Is good.”

“And the point of telling me was…”

“You are the spy.”


“My Katerina!”

“You think I’m a spy?” I asked incredulously.

“I know you are not spy. Is metaphor. You are woman with golden dagger.”

Now there was a golden dagger? I was getting so confused, and I doubted it had much to do with the liquor. No amount of drinking could help make any of this make more or less sense.

“You will see. In time, you will see.”



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