Page 74 of Iron Rations

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“I know FNG. He is man who can’t die!”

That sounded vaguely familiar, and then I remembered when he jumped out from behind the dumpster and ran straight toward the men firing their weapons at us. “Yes! The man who can’t die!” I laughed.

“Is good. I know this man. He is good man.” He chuckled, bending over as if he were going to tell me a secret. “He was my butler for short time.”

“Your…your butler?” I said in surprise.”

“Yes! My companion. He was great friend, but I had to betray him and fake my death. He was most upset when he found out.”

“Yes, I can imagine. But you seem like such a nice man. I doubt he held it against you.”

“I would like to make it water over bridge, but is not easy.”

“Water under the bridge,” I corrected.

He waved me off. “Yes, yes. But FNG. I must speak with him.”

“Um…I don’t have his number.”

“Is no problem. Do not go anywhere,” he said, stalking out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him and I sat in silence, pondering the new turn of events.



I hopped down from the tank, laughing at how easily we took them down. Well, it wasn’t entirely easy, but it could have been worse. Fox walked over to me, slapping me on the back.

“And all that without your umbrella.”

“I know. I thought for a minute we weren’t going to make it. I really started to think we were going to lose.”

“That’s how I feel about my knives,” he said, pulling them out.

They were covered in blood, and as he stuffed them away, he didn’t bother to wipe them off.

“You might need some alcohol.”

“For what?”

“To clean the blades.”

“Nah, not necessary my unkillable padre.”


“Friend,” he clarified.

“Uh…that’s amigo.”

“Whatever. The point is, they didn’t get us today, and I will not wipe the stain of victory from my blades!”

He clapped me on the back and walked away, kicking his feet up and tapping his heels together before continuing on.

“Raven!” Nicholas shouted. He’d been doing that for the last five minutes.

“Dude, you gotta stop yelling. I think we drew enough attention with the building collapsing and the tanks sitting in the parking lot.”

“Raven’s nowhere in sight.”

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