Page 61 of Iron Rations

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“The eggs. Where are they?”

If I gave the man the eggs, I would probably be dead before they finished examining them. They were my only bargaining chip.

“They’re not here.”

“Then you’re going to take me to them.”

He spun me around, the knife digging into my neck as he did so. It nicked me slightly, but not enough to really injure me. The problem was, when he spun me around, Nicholas was there waiting for him.

“Let her go,” Nicholas commanded.

I could practically hear the laughter in the man’s voice behind me. “I think you’ve miscalculated. See this knife? I will plunge it in her neck if you try to stop me. She’ll be dead before you can reach her.”

“Not if I kill you first.”

He burst out laughing, his hot breath hitting the side of my face. And then suddenly, the laughter stopped. I didn’t hear the bullet leave the gun, but I saw the muzzle flash. It was so fast that I didn’t have time to react. One minute, the man was behind me, laughing and threatening my life. The next…

I turned and stared at the man on the ground. He had a hole in the center of his forehead and a smile permanently etched on his face. He probably never saw it coming.

I was yanked around and Nicholas’s lips descended on mine in a brutal kiss that took me by surprise. His gun pressed into my back as he pulled me to him. Maybe I should have been slightly upset by what just happened, but instead, all I could think about was his lips on mine and how much I wanted to take this further.

But there were men after us. Gunfire still erupted in the background and rain had started to fall, but none of that really seemed to matter as Nicholas had his way with me.

“Yeah, yeah,” Rae said, ripping us apart. “He likes you, you like him. It’s a lovely story, but we’ve got bigger problems.”

Nicholas’s eyes drifted to my neck for only a second before he turned, grabbing my hand as he tugged me across the parking lot. I briefly caught sight of Fox singing as he threw something across the lot. The man fell, but it was too dark to make out what Fox had been holding.

“I’m driving!” Rae snapped, getting into the front seat.

“It’s my car.”

“I’m commandeering it.”

She slammed the door just as Nicholas opened the back door and practically tossed me in. He slid in behind me as FNG got in the front.

“Hold on,” Rae said, turning in her seat as she hit the gas and rammed the car behind us. Fox yelped as the bumper caught his leg. I swung the door open as Rae shouted, “Get in!”

“But I was just getting started!”

She glared at him and he bent over, tearing a knife from a body before wiping it off and shoving it in his belt. Someone was still shooting at him, and without even looking, he pulled his gun and fired a single shot in the direction of the gunfire.

He slid smoothly into the backseat and nodded. “So, where are we going?”

“The Russian mob?” Nicholas said as he paced the motel room.

I rolled my head back with a sigh. He’d said that at least ten times already. I was tired of hearing it. “Can we get to the point?”

“The point?” he snapped. “The point is that we don’t have enough firepower to fight the mob.”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

“Too damn bad. We’re in this fight whether you like it or not.”

“Says who?”

He clenched his jaw in irritation, turning away from me.

“What he’s trying and failing to say is that when you ran with our car,” Rae spoke up, “we had to come up with a reason we were there. He said we were there because we suspected there would be a break-in. Now, we’re recovering the stolen items to return to the owner.”

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