Page 57 of Iron Rations

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“The accomplice turned on the woman and threw her from your roof into the lake. I had a split-second decision to make. I went after the woman.”

“You saved a woman who stole from me and let priceless artifacts be stolen.”

I was about to argue about how saving a woman’s life was worth more than some jewels, but Rae intervened.

“She has the buyer information. It will be very difficult for the accomplice to move the items on his own. This way, she’ll track him down and lead us right to the stolen eggs.”

“But if you had gone for the eggs, we wouldn’t be in this position. I don’t think I have to tell you how much those are worth.”

“They’re also stolen property,” I pointed out. I wasn’t entirely certain about that, but why else would he keep them in a safe out of view? He could easily keep them in a bulletproof case with all the security measures in the world. He could afford that. Which meant that they had to be stolen.

When Henry didn’t answer right away, I knew I was right.

“The fact is, you need these eggs retrieved with as little noise as possible. If anyone found out that you had stolen Russian Imperial Family treasure, you’d have the entire weight of the Russian government bearing down on you.”

“What do you propose?”

“We will retrieve the eggs for you.”

“I don’t know anything about you.”

Rae handed over a card. “It’s sort of what we do.”

Allsebrook took the card and read it. “You work for a security firm. That’s hardly treasure retrieval.”

“The men you’re dealing with aren’t afraid to kill. As I explained, the man involved threw the woman off the roof. Do you really want to send amateurs after your priceless treasure?”

He considered this for a moment. “Fine.”

“Great,” I said, shoving my hand in my pocket. “I’ll be in contact with my boss. He’ll send over the contract for you.”

“What time frame are we looking at?”

“That depends on how long it takes us to find the woman, which shouldn’t take too long.”

After Allsebrook mentioned a few more times how precious the eggs were, reminding us to take the utmost care with them, we headed out the front door—this time not escorted by guards.

“That was close,” FNG muttered.

“It’s fine,” I grunted. “All we have to do is retrieve the eggs.”

“Yes, track down the eggs, steal them back from the psycho who pushed your girlfriend off a roof, and return them to a thief,” Rae surmised. “This sounds like exactly the type of job Cash would want us to take. Oh, and while we’re at it, we’ll ruin any chance you have of winning Raven back.”

“On the bright side,” Fox said, slinging his arm around my neck. “When this is all over, you and I will be proud new owners of a cattle ranch.”

I shrugged him off.

“Chicken farm?”

I kept walking.

“Alright, vegetable farm! Last chance. I won’t make another offer!”

I flipped him the bird.

“Chickens it is!”


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