Page 54 of Iron Rations

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“We’re a security firm,” I said quickly before Fox could make his move. “We were following the suspect onto the property.”

He looked at me strangely. “Suspect?”

“I believe something very valuable was stolen from the house tonight.”

His eyes went wide as he pulled out his walkie-talkie. “I’ve got three men in custody. Uh…scratch that. Two men and a lady. They say something was stolen tonight. We’re at the southeast corner of the property, just beyond the woods.”

“What are you doing?” Rae asked out of the corner of her mouth.


“You’re going to turn her in?”

“No, I’m just buying us time.”

FNG came running up behind the man, shouting and waving his hands and practically out of breath. “Hey! I…got it…I think…we’re clear.”

“FNG, I was just telling this man that there’s been a robbery tonight.”

“A what?”

“A robbery.”

“From your girl?”

“You know the woman who tried to steal something?” the man asked.

“Tried?” FNG snorted. “Succeeded.”

“What he means is, we were tracking her, but she had an accomplice. He turned on her and before we could recover the stolen property, he threw her off the side of the building.”

“So, she’s not your girl?” FNG asked. “I just jumped into the lake. A little heads-up would have been nice.”

The man narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re not going anywhere.”

I nodded. “I’m aware of that.”

“She took off in your car,” FNG said in astonishment.

“I know,” I bit out.

My phone was in the car,” Rae grumbled.

“You dove off a roof to save her life,” FNG continued.

“I’m aware.”

“And I jumped in to save you,” Fox scoffed. “How ungrateful.”

I slowly turned to him. “If you had stayed with her partner, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“I beg to differ. If I had stayed with him, I would have had to kill him. I’d have to dump the body into the lake, and when he floated to the surface, he would have been identified. Eventually, he would have been linked to Raven, and then she would have been linked to you. If you think about it, I really saved you a ton of extra work.”

“Not to mention how Cash would have reacted,” FNG added.

I sighed as we were guided into an office on the first floor. The door was shut behind us, and we were left to wait for Sir Henry Allsebrook to come in. I walked over to a leather armchair and sat down, slumping back in the luxurious seat.

“Is this real crystal?” FNG asked, picking up a decanter.

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