Page 40 of Iron Rations

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I knew I was going to regret asking. “What am I up against?”

“Fingerprint scanner, retinal scanner, and um…a drop of blood for identification.”

I huffed out a laugh. This guy had to be crazy. “And you expect us to be able to get all that in the middle of a ball? We can’t exactly knock the guy unconscious and drag him to the safe with all those people around.”

“Not to mention that if you miss even one step, the safe defaults to the original settings. You would need a technician to come in and reset the whole thing, setting our timeline back a few weeks at least.”

“Snatch, there’s no possible way for me to get his retinal scan. I can get the blood and the thumbprint. That’s no problem. I can’t rip out his eyeball.”

“Yeah, but there are other ways around that.”

“I would like to hear you name one.”

“As you know, I have many skills in the tech field. I’ve received accolades for my ingenious work on the Berlin job and then in the?—”

“Get to the point.”

“All we need is a code for the scanner to read. It’s just like a fingerprint. Each retinal scan is unique, just like a line of code. Theoretically, if we were to get our hands on the code from the scanner, we could duplicate it with some handy computer work.”

“I have no idea what you just said.”

“That’s okay. It’s an idea I’ve been working on.”

“So, you’ve never tested it.”

“No, but I’m sure it’ll work.”

“That’s not enough for me to go on,” I retorted. “I’m not going to risk everything because you’re sure you can figure it out.”

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. “I already have the code.”

I stared at him in shock, then snatched the paper from his hand. “How did you get it?”

He rolled his eyes like that was a stupid question. “When the lady let me into the house, I caused a distraction, then hooked into the security system. I was in and out in less than two minutes. Now, I have access to everything.”

“I take it the safe isn’t attached to the security system.”

“Nope. But the retinal scan will be the same.”

“What if he scanned the other eye?”

“Nobody does that. It’s too hard to remember which eye you scanned for everything. No, he’s right-handed, which means he scanned his right eye.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“It totally does. Righties naturally use the right side of their body more. Same thing with thumbprint scanners. You use your dominant hand.”

It sounded legit, but I still wasn’t sure we could actually pull this off. “Before we move on this, I want to know the ins and outs of every aspect of the job.”

“Then let’s get to work.”

“Did you get your dress?” Snatch asked as I walked into the hotel room.

I held up the bag and grinned. “As requested. It’s perfectly respectable and boring, with one very high slit that will allow me to work.”

He snapped his fingers, jogging over to where his tux was hanging in the garment bag. He unzipped it and pulled it out, holding it in front of him. “What do you think?”

“I think it looks like every other suit I’ve seen.”

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