Page 117 of Iron Rations

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He walked over to the couch and sat down, running his hand along his jaw. “The difference is, I never claimed to be the good brother. Now, what’s all this about Raven being killed?” he asked, using air quotes as he spoke.

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because someone is after Raven, and I’m trying to save her ass before they get to her. It would be in your best interest as well to help me.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because you were part of the job that’s coming back to bite me in the ass.”

Understanding dawned as I studied the man who could easily pass as Cash. Of course, they were twins. It was nearly impossible to tell them apart. That is, unless you went by their actions, though those were sometimes difficult to distinguish as well.

“The shipment for Zavala. He knows.”

He nodded slightly. “I underestimated Hugo. It seems he ran straight to Zavala and was able to strike a bargain with him.”

“Christ, you told us Hugo would end up dead.”

“He should be. Apparently, my efforts to upend Zavala’s work are more of a nuisance than I hoped. It seems that Zavala is willing to work with Hugo and keep him alive as long as he can deliver whoever was involved in the theft.”

“And your hands are fucking clean,” I hissed. “You had everyone else do the dirty work, and now they’re after us.”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

He was here, not that his actions made up for the fact that he landed us in a pile of dog shit. “And what about Raven?”

“You were easy to find. I just followed my brother. Raven…I don’t know where she is. She fell off the grid.”

“That’s because we just got her out of one mess.”

“Do you know where the fuck she is or not?” Rafe snapped.

“Yeah, I know where she is.”

“We need to get to her now before it’s too late. Zavala won’t go easy on her if he finds her.”

“Then fucking untie me so I can get to her.”

He stood there for a moment, unflinching. Why the fuck wasn’t he moving?

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“All of OPS is being watched. They already know of my connection to Cash.”

“He was at the bar with me,” I said, shaking my head. “Christ, are you telling me you left him at the bar without warning him?”

“Not exactly. I called in a favor.”

“From who?”

“That’s not important right now. You need to know that if you go with me, you can’t go back to OPS. You’ll lead Zavala right to them. There’s still enough of a protective barrier between OPS and the outside world, but?—”

“If I go with you and then go home, I’ll lead them right to your brother.”

“And everyone else at OPS.”

It sucked, but there was no way around it. Even if I was pissed at Raven, there was no way I’d leave her to the fate of Zavala. She meant too much to me, and leaving OPS behind was a small price to pay to get her back.

“Untie me so we can get to work.”

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