Page 113 of Iron Rations

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“I’m sure they are,” Cash said, hopping up on the table beside Fox. “So, what should we talk about as we wait?”

I glared at the man. “I thought you didn’t like it when people brought their personal problems to work.”

“Very true, but I’ve found that I have a talent for getting involved and putting my own twist on things to help the men I employ to find their way out of the hole in the ground.”

“I don’t have my head in the ground. I’m the one chasing her,” I snapped.

“He’s right,” Fox nodded. “He’s been chasing her this whole time.”

“Yes, but when he catches her this time around, think of how much better it will be.”

I couldn’t believe this. The man who was supposed to be the level-headed leader of OPS was plotting with the resident psycho on how to get two people together.

“When I get out of here, the first thing I’m doing is knocking you both out.”

Cash laughed, shoving his hand in the jar and pulling out a worm, popping it in his mouth.

“Hey! A little manners,” Fox snapped. “Use a fucking fork.”

“Fox, we’re eating chocolate-covered worms. Do you really think my germs are the problem?”

“It’s not about germs. It’s about common decency. You don’t see me grabbing food off your plate and eating it.”

“You offered!”

“Yes, but use a fucking fork! It’s not that hard to behave like a fucking gentleman.”

“He’s right,” I grumbled, hating that I was agreeing with the man. “The least you could do is use a fork.”

“You know, I might leave you tied up longer than two hours.”

“And I might tell Eva that you ate worms.”

He barked out a laugh, clearly not threatened by me at all. “All I have to do is tell her Fox was involved.”

Fox shot me a toothy grin. “Me and Eva are like this,” he said, crossing his fingers. “She likes watching Oklahoma with me.”



I was slightly disappointed that I hadn’t run into Nicholas yet. When I stopped for dinner, I half expected him to walk through the doors of the diner and sit across from me. Yet, that never happened. And when I stopped for a bathroom break just two hours later—wishing he had caught up to me—I was disappointed yet again.

Maybe he wasn’t really coming for me. Maybe he’d decided he had enough. Not that I could blame him. What we did to him was wrong. If the shoe had been on the other foot, I would have been pissed as hell at him. Not that it was my fault. I didn’t have a say in the matter. If anyone was to blame, it was Cash. He purposely kept Nicholas in the dark.

But somehow, I still felt guilty about the whole thing. Deep down, I knew my life had depended on things looking realistic. Still, it hurt like hell the way he fought to get to me, knowing he was tied up so tight, there was no way he was breaking loose.

Shoving my key into the reader, I stepped into my dark hotel room and sighed. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Maybe a man sitting in the corner of the room, waiting for me just as Ivan had. Only this time, it would be Nicholas and he would be grinning at me like the devilish man he was with promises of torturing me all night with sex and maybe that spanking he promised me.

But when I flicked on the light, I was sorely mistaken.

I tossed my bag in the corner and stripped off my shirt, neatly folding it and making a pile for all my clothes. With every layer I took off, my body ached in ways I had ignored for most of the day. I hated to see what my face looked like. Ivan had let Yuri get in quite a few punches before stopping him.

The burns around my wrists from the rope only reminded me of Nicholas, so I shoved those thoughts aside and went into the bathroom for a shower. The hot water washing over me soothed my battered body, but nothing could ease the ache I felt in my chest. I knew I was wrong, and yet I ran anyway.

I jumped as warm hands slid over my back, wrapping around me and cupping my breasts. I’d recognize that touch anywhere, but what I didn’t understand was why he was being so gentle with me.

“I was going to wait,” Nicholas murmured, brushing his lips over my skin. “But when you stripped, I lost all willpower.”

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