Page 62 of Blue Falcon

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“Sir, we have the intruder,” Lock said calmly. “If you would just allow us to do our jobs?—”

He waved me off and called his butler. “There’s no need. This has gone on long enough.”

My brows pinched in confusion at that. “What do you mean?”

He scowled at me, putting me in my place with just one look. “The man you caught was supposed to sneak onto the property.”

“Sorry, what?” Lock asked, stepping forward with his fists clenched. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I did it,” the father snapped. “We needed the publicity after the stunt her fiancé pulled.”

“You had some sick fuck write letters to your daughter for publicity?” I growled.

“It worked. And she was fine until you came along and ruined it all.”

“Ruined it?” I yelled. Lock didn’t even try to stop me as I surged forward. “Why the fuck would you let your daughter think she was being stalked?”

“Because it’s all about his image,” Lock supplied. “And when you couldn’t get enough press, you created the situation you needed.”

“Do you realize how fucking idiotic that is? What if he’d taken things too far? He broke onto your property!”

“Like I told him to,” Ben snapped. “It was the final straw, but you messed it all up.”

I huffed out a laugh, pissed off at his tone. “I messed it all up? We took your threat seriously?—”

“Did you take it seriously when you climbed into her bed?”

That shut me up really fast.

“Look, it doesn’t matter what happened before,” Lock said calmly. “What we need to do now is figure out how this guy got onto your property. There’s no way he should have been able to get past our security measures.”

“I already told you?—”

“Not even if you told him the code to get through,” Lock snapped. “The guards wouldn’t have let him on the property. He somehow beat our system and that’s not easy to do. We need to run this guy through our system and find out his connections. He didn’t pull this on his own.”

Ben smirked at us. “Gentlemen, your services will no longer be required.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I scoffed.

“In the morning, you can remove yourselves from my property and return to wherever it is you came from.”

“But there’s still a threat,” I snapped. “Your daughter is not safe?—”

“If you refuse to leave, I’ll call the police and have you removed. Am I making myself clear?”

His tone brooked no arguments, but as I looked over at Wren, I knew I couldn’t just walk away. There had to be a way to get this guy to understand that he was putting his daughter in danger by making us leave.

“Brock,” Lock said, grabbing my arm as I continued to stare at Wren. “Let’s go.”

I turned on my heel and stormed out of the office. “That guy is gonna get his daughter killed!”

“Not now,” Lock snapped, guiding me down the hall.

I was enraged and it had nothing to do with my growing feelings for Wren. What kind of fucked up family were we protecting? Now I understood why Wren acted so fucked up. Her father was a prime example of the worst kind of man with money.

When we got back to our rooms, I spun on Lock. “I’m not leaving.”

“We don’t have a choice.”

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