Page 35 of Blue Falcon

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“What the fuck are you doing?” Lock said, storming into the room I was staying in.

I looked up at him as I walked out of the attached bathroom with only a towel slung around my waist. “Taking a shower. Is that no longer allowed?”

“I meant, what the fuck are you doing with our client?”

Judging from the harsh look on his face, he’d seen the video feed. “Weren’t you the one who had a bet on this job?”

“That was crossing a line.”

“That was me proving a point.”

“Which was what, exactly? That you could get her to fall for your charms?”

“Something like that,” I shrugged.

“Brock, you can’t go there.”

I snorted. “Nothing to worry about there. Trust me.”

“Just keep your damn pants on,” he grumbled, walking over to my bed and flopping down.

“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you doing?”

He sighed heavily. “Taking a fucking break. I’ve been up for the last twenty-four hours.”

“So take a break in your room. You’re messing up my bed. Besides, it’s just wrong to have another guy sleeping in my bed.”

He rolled his head to the side, shooting me an irritated look. “And why is that? Are you afraid I’m going to turn you gay?”

“No, but I’m afraid you’ll leave your cooties behind. I haven’t had a cootie shot in a while. I’m too pretty to end up with a disease.”

He grumbled under his breath when a call came in. “It’s Cash.”

“So, answer it.”

“I don’t want to. He’s going to want an update, and we have nothing yet.”

“So, tell him what he wants to hear.”

His phone stopped ringing, and suddenly mine was going off. Pulling it out, I glared at Lock. “Thanks a lot for this.” I slid my finger across the screen and put it to my ear. “Yo, boss. Lock and I were just?—”

“Did you just finger a client in her hallway?” Cash yelled at me through the phone.

My jaw dropped and my head snapped in Lock’s direction. “Uh…”

“In. Your. Client’s. House, Brock. Did I really see you just do that?”

I looked all around, wondering if he was watching me through the cameras as we spoke. Clearing my throat, I continued. “Uh…so, the funny thing is?—”

“I don’t want to hear what the funny thing is,” he snapped. “You’re on a job.”

“She started it,” I grumbled.

“She started it? Are you in fucking elementary school?” he exploded.

I yanked the phone from my ear, wishing I’d never answered. He overrode the settings on my phone, putting it on speakerphone.

“When I’m yelling at you, do not pull the phone away from your ear!”

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