Page 118 of Blue Falcon

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“Pack it in,” I said again, then turned back to Wren. “We leave in twenty.”


“This is what you wanted,” I hissed, angry at myself more than her. “You never believed me. Well, it’s over, so you can go home and continue on with your pointless life. You’ll get married to Bryce and pump out a few kids, have them raised by nannies while you continue to meet with the ladies who lunch. Everything in your world will be fucking perfect.”

“Not if you go to a tearoom,” Fox interjected. “Seriously, they serve the tiniest sandwiches.”

Wren’s eyes watched me cautiously. She wanted to know if I was lying. “It’s not a trick.”

“What makes you so sure it’s safe now?”

“We think we know what happened. And if we’re right, the threat is gone.”

“And if you’re not wrong?”

I hesitated, not wanting to consider that I might be. “Then you’ll find someone else who can protect you.”

I wasn’t prepared for the look of hurt on her face, but as I turned and walked away, I remembered that her feelings were fleeting. She would always go back to the money. She would always want something I couldn’t give her. And at the end of the day, it was better to cut my losses while I still had some respect for women. After all, not all of them were like her. I’d still meet someone else, and hopefully, I’d find that same kind of passion with one of them.

“You know, it occurred to me that we’re walking into the lion’s den,” Fox said as we walked into our hotel room.

We had one overnight stop, and then tomorrow, she’d be home. I had considered driving through, but I had to be at the top of my game tomorrow. I couldn’t allow any mistakes when I dropped her at her father’s house. And I had to be prepared to face backlash from Cash.

“Fox, you know…you don’t have to do this. I could tell Cash that you didn’t want to come with me.”

“Right,” he snorted. “Like he would believe you.”

“I could make him. I could tell him you…had a freakout after what happened on the last job and reverted to your former self.”

“Not possible,” he grinned. “You should see how many bags of Funyuns I charged to his card. He’d never buy it.”

“You and your Funyuns.”

“Besides, it’ll be okay.”

“Somehow, I doubt that. You should cut your losses now while you have the chance.”

“Who should cut their losses?” Wren asked, walking up behind us.

“He thinks I should,” Fox chuckled. “Because of?—”

“The lack of Funyuns in the room,” I interrupted. “I told you there wouldn’t be any. They don’t keep Funyuns in the room as a hospitality gift.”

“Well, they should,” Fox argued, picking up on the fact that I didn’t want Wren to know how much shit I was about to walk into. “I’m just saying, they’re a tasty treat.”

“They make your breath smell,” Wren said, stepping past us. She looked around the room and sighed. “Well, at least this one has updated curtains.”

Right. Because updated curtains were important. Shaking my head, I walked over to the bathroom and slammed the door, leaning against the counter. What the hell had I gotten myself into? Why had I risked it all for a woman who didn’t care about me?

That’s right. Because I thought she was in danger.

Fuck, looking at the evidence right now, I would fire me. I’d gone off half-cocked and exposed Cash’s business, thinking only of myself. And worse, I dragged Fox into my mess. There was no room at the company for someone like me.

Fox banged on the door. “Are you gonna be long? I’ve got a Funyuns emergency here!”

I jerked the door open and walked out, barely slipping past the door before he slammed it shut. Wren turned and smiled, but that only pissed me off.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” she asked.

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