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“Anytime. Tell Anthony I said hi.”

“I will,” I agreed.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

As I hung up, I realized how true her words had to be. No matter how much it would hurt to lose my mom, no matter how much it had hurt to lose my brother, all the years of happiness before made the potential and actual grief worth it.

If I was scared of the future loss, all I was doing was robbing myself of the present joy.

And that felt like a really chickenshit kind of thing to do.

With that in mind, I made my way back out into the studio, glancing over at the couch before making my way toward the bed, climbing in slowly, trying not to touch or wake Anthony up.

But he was already awake.

And he rolled over to curl up behind me, his legs cocked under mine, his arm across my chest, caging me in, but I didn’t feel trapped; I felt safe.

“Who were you talking to?”

I should have known the sound would carry.

“My mom,” I told him. “She said hi.”

“You know you don’t have to hide in the bathroom to take a phone call.”

“I didn’t want to wake you up,” I said, closing my eyes, enjoying the feel of him just being close without any expectation of more.

“Is everything alright with her?” he asked.

“Yeah, she was just calling to check in. We usually see each other most days when I go to the gym to workout. But when I don’t, she always calls. She worries.”

“Understandably. My ma worries too.”

“Because of your job, or because you are constantly hurting yourself?” I teased.

Which was the wrong move.

Because Anthony Costa wasn’t opposed to using tickling as retribution.

I writhed and laughed and gasped for breath as he ran his fingers over tickle spots across my stomach until I was suddenly flat on my back looking up at him.

“You’ll pay for that,” I warned.

“Yeah? What are you gonna do? Beat me up?” he asked, leaning over me.

“Nope. I just won’t save you from your next calamity,” I declared, making a smile tug at his lips.

“Figure I’ll be pretty safe if we just stay in bed,” he said, lowering down to press his lips into my neck, making a little flutter move across my chest.

“You could always fall off,” I said even as my hands started to slide up his strong, bare back while his lips created little sparks of interest.

“I’ll just fuck you on the floor then,” he said, teeth nipping my ear gently.

I probably should have come up with something witty to say to that. But his body had shifted over mine, his hips positioning between my legs, his hard cock pressing against me again, making the desire grow quickly as his lips claimed mine.

There was nothing hurried about Anthony then, though. He kissed me long and deep, until my lips felt swollen and fuzzy, until an unexpected warmth that had nothing to do with desire spread across my chest, and sank into my heart, chasing away a chill that had been there for years.

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