Page 6 of Dirty Professor

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She was the most exquisite woman Ivan had ever seen. She looked like a siren above him, rising from the waves to save him before his ship could crash down on the rocks. He linked his hands with hers, letting her set the pace. She smiled down at him, and it was like a punch in the gut, almost undoing him right then and there. He had wanted her from the day they first met when she said hello and welcomed him into her life. He knew then he had wanted to make Anna his, and she was worth the wait.

Ivan sat up, kissing her as she quickened her pace. He held her tightly to him, meeting her body with his, every thrust closer to the release they both needed. He kissed her neck as she leaned back against his arms, her soft cries of pleasure spurring him on. His mouth found one breast, suckling it gently. It made her rhythm falter, and he took control. He thrust up into her, his hands sliding to grip her firm behind.

All Anna could do was hold on as he thrust, taking them both higher than they had ever been before. She was on fire, and within moments, it washed over her again and again. She cried out as she rode wave after wave of pleasure, Ivan’s own release coming soon after as her body milked his. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, both trembling with the intensity of their lovemaking.

He laid back down on the bed, bringing Anna with him, her body a comfortable weight on his. He let his breathing come back to normal, kissing her hair, her shoulder, and her forehead. She looked up at him, her eyes heavy with contentment, and kissed him before lying down on the bed next to him. He rolled to face her, finding her hand and entwining their fingers. The heaviness of sleep fell on them, and Anna curled against him, wrapping his arm around her, their hands still clasped.

Chapter Five

Anna walked into the Sleepy Coffee, Too coffee shop and stopped dead in her tracks. Not only Amy was there, but Stephanie and Andre were also there. They were part of the bigger “tribe” she and Ivan had built during their time in college. She was surprised to see Stephanie and Andre, and before their appearance in the shop could completely register in her mind, she found herself engulfed in one of Andre’s signature bear hugs. Anna laughed. “Put me down, you big oaf!” she teased, playfully smacking his arms. She turned to Stephanie and hugged her before giving Amy a hug as well. “You didn’t tell me they were tagging along,” she said as she sat in the empty chair at the table.

“Well, I kinda found them hitchhiking on the side of the road. I took pity on them,” Amy quipped, sipping her hot coffee.

“We were in town and called Amy to get together. She said she was coming up here to see you.” Andre leaned in towards Anna, dropping his voice a bit. “What’s this? We’re hearing that you’re up here alone with Ivan?” He winked at her, grinning.

Anna shook her head. “It’s not what you think. Ivan was being a turd, and I’m attempting to win a bet.”

“Uh-huh,” Amy grunted behind her coffee cup.

Stephanie reached out to the waitress as she brought her coffee over. “C’mon, Anna. We all know you like Ivan, and he likes you. This isn’t over winning a bet.”

“Can I get you something?” the waitress asked Anna.

Anna knew she was going to have a hard time with these three, and she sighed. “Yes, let me have a large chai latte and a slice of pecan pie.” She waited until the waitress walked away to put in her order. She opened her mouth to speak when another member of the staff stopped at their table with Andre’s drink. “And it is over winning a bet,” she insisted when the waiter walked away. “Ivan got the director to swap two of our classes, and he snagged a time slot I’ve had since I started teaching there to accommodate a few students. We got into the discussion over whether or not Russian literature was sensual and romantic and erotic, and he bet me that if he couldn’t prove to me it was before we started teaching this semester, he’d give me my slot back.”

They all stared at her. “You’re staying with Ivan at the family home by yourself to win a bet against a guy who lives and breathes Russian literature and all that goes with it.” He started laughing. “And it’s not what we think?” He reached out to take her hand. “Anna, babe, it’s exactly what we think.”

“That’s what I said,” Amy quipped.

Stephanie grinned, setting her coffee down and wrapping her hands around the mug. “Anna, honey, you’re squirming in your seat. Your face is flushing just at his name.” She nudged Andre. “Ten dollars says he’s already been in her knickers.”

“You’re on,” Andre stated, putting the ten dollars on the table.

“Hey!” Anna exclaimed, trying not to laugh. She forgot how well Andre and Stephanie could read her. Apparently, she had no poker face whatsoever. She hung her head with a frustrated sigh. “Give her the ten bucks,” she said quietly.

“Shit, I should’ve got in on this,” Amy laughed as Andre handed Stephanie the money. “Well? Spill the tea, woman. We’ve all been waiting for you two to hook up. What was it? Pushkin push you over the edge? Nabokov get him to show you his naboknob?”

Anna spit out her coffee at Amy’s words. “Oh my god, Amy!” she laughed. I cannot believe you just said that.” She took the napkin Stephanie offered and wiped the coffee off her shirt. “For your information, we got into a very interesting conversation about romantic prose, and one thing led to another in the heat of the moment.”

“So…was he any good?” Amy continued innocently.

“Is he packing?” Stephanie asked.

“I don’t need to know that,” Andre stated, leaning one arm on the back of his chair.

“The sex was great. I’m not telling you if he’s packing, and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter,”

“What matter?” Ivan asked as he stepped up behind Anna. He had seen his friends in the coffee shop as he was walking past on his way to the post office, and he knew Anna was meeting Amy for coffee. He didn’t expect to see the others. He had put his fingers to his lips when he walked in, the others not acknowledging him as he listened to the conversation. He laid his hands on Anna’s shoulders and leaned down to kiss her cheek before breathing in her scent. “Can I join you, dushenka? I would love to know why your cheeks are so warm,“ he breathed in her ear. He nipped at her ear lobe before standing up and grabbing another chair. “Americano, please,” he called to the waitress as she started towards them.

Anna shivered at the lower purr in her ear and lifted her coffee to her lips. She couldn’t look at her friends right away. “How much did you hear?” she asked Ivan.

Ivan chuckled. “All of it.” He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips with a grin. Her face went redder, and they all chuckled. “Face it, they’ve known all along how we feel about each other, even if we still are working through it.”

“Working through it? Man, you done worked it already,” Andre stated, slapping his hand on the table. He winked at Anna. “Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re just happy to see this finally happening.” He clapped Ivan on the shoulder. “So, what else has been going on in New York City? How’s your family doing?”

Anna listened to the conversation, turned to sports and extracurricular activities that didn’t involve her love life, and slowly relaxed. It was good to be with them, for all of them to be together like this. She gazed at Ivan, who still held her hand, and smiled.

Chapter Six

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