Page 97 of Filthy Mogul

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Nav extended his hand to shake Luke’s. “The pleasure’s all yours.”

“Jesus…” I stressed, glaring at him again. “Can you fucking chill?” Pushing him, I threw my arms around his neck, pulling his pain in the ass into a hug.

The first time I brought a guy over, my brothers threatened him within an inch of his life. It probably didn’t help that he was the son of a kingpin. You see, my brothers couldn’t protect me from my father’s demands, but they sure as shit did when it came to my personal life.

I’d never had a steady boyfriend. There had been guys I hung out with that didn’t lead to much but sex and casual conversation. Luke was the first man who ever pursued me so intently. Which was crazy, considering who he was.

The fact that he wouldn’t sleep with me unless he knew my name meant more to me than he could ever truly know. That was definitely a first.

I hadn’t seen Nav in months. This was usually where he stayed when he was in Venezuela. I saw him walking around the party earlier, so I took a chance he’d be here, and I was so glad that I did. Now I had their support, and they could help us come up with some sort of plan that involved defeating my father.

Nav slowly pulled away to grab my face between his hands. “Dad’s handiwork?”

I moved my head away. “I’m fine.”

Brushing the hair away from my face, he took a good look at me as he questioned, “You sure you’re alright?”

“You know me.” I smiled, shaking it off. “I’m like a cat. I have nine lives.”

“It doesn't mean much when you’re on your last life.”

Ignoring his response, I brought the conversation back to the issue at hand. “What were you saying?” I gestured back and forth between them. “You two have met before?”

Luke finally spoke. “Somethin’ like that.”

“Great,” I sarcastically stated. “Because that answers my question.”

“So what’s next, Bonnie and Clyde?”

I slapped Nav on his chest. “I need a shower, and I need one now.”

He motioned to his house. “What’s mine is yours.”

I grabbed Luke’s hand and led him inside, with Navarro following us close. Once we were in the foyer, he said he would warm us some food and to make ourselves at home. I took the opportunity to show Luke where we’d be sleeping.

My brother’s bachelor pad was impressive, to say the least. He loved the privacy out here. Most of his homes around the world were located in the woods like he was Yogi the fucking Bear. I led Luke to the guest room on the second floor. It had its own sitting area, balcony, and en suite bathroom.

Luke pointed at the open closet with women’s clothes. “You got clothes here?”

I shook my head. “More like my brother’s concubines leave their shit behind.”

“That’s quite a collection.”

“Yeah… tell me about it. Nav has always been a ladies’ man.”

He was six-four with a huge muscular build, completely covered in tattoos, and had bright green eyes that appeared to be staring into your soul every time he simply looked at you. And trust me, he used it to his advantage.

I sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at Luke. “We could crash here tonight.”

He nodded, closing the door behind him to lean against it with his arms crossed.

“What are we doin’ here?”

I shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure. This was the only choice I had.”

Gesturing to me, he snapped, “I hate to break this to you, but I trust your brother even less than I trust you.”

I leaned back on my hands, trying to relax. “You got any other choices because I’m all ears.”

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