Page 93 of Filthy Mogul

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I sat up on my knees and returned fire. Once Sloan caught her bearings, she yanked up the bottom of my slacks to grab the gun I had hidden there from earlier that night as if she already knew it’d be there.

Only proving how much she really did know me.

She immediately flipped the safety on my piece and began shooting back in another direction where the shots were being fired. Shot after shot rang out around us.

“You follow me, and let me cover you!” I ordered. “Do you understand me? Or we’re not gettin’ out of here alive!”

She nodded, and I grasped her arm, dragging her ass up with me. I grabbed one of the men nearby who was already dead on the floor, using his body as a shield as we hauled ass toward the back door. We opened fire on anyone who stood in our way.

Ready to kill at a moment’s notice.

Acting on pure endorphins and fury from everything, I was pissed as fuck for all the above. More bullets sprayed throughout the entire space. Casings busted through the windows, ricocheting off the metal.

An all-out war had broken out.

All because of the woman I’d fucking die for behind me.

It was only a matter of time until their guards and men showed up to see who’d be the last man standing.

I pulled her much harder than I intended, unable to manage my own strength. Needing to get us the hell out of there, I knew it wouldn’t stop here.

This was only the beginning.

She tried to keep up with my stride as I rushed us over to my sports car, prepared to use it for an event like this. I needed something that went fast. Although her heels were making it hard for her to keep up with my stride, it didn’t mess with her aim. She was a hell of a shooter, and for a second, I wondered who taught her that.

If she did like she had with fighting or if it was something her old man or brothers taught her. Regardless, she was a natural. The clicking sound of her heels vibrated deep within my core with each step she took. One by one, it added to all the mayhem erupting in my mind.

The menacing expression on my face was enough to render her speechless when I demanded, “Get in the car.”

“Fine.” She smiled for a second before she snatched the keys out of my hand. “I’m driving.”

It made me want to fuck and strangle her all at the same time.

No one knew how to test my very thin patience like she did.

She jumped into the car, and I jumped into the back seat to grab all the guns I left in the trunk in case something like this occurred.

“Do you even know how to drive a stick?” I teased, trying to make light of our fucked-up situation.

“What do you think?” She dumped the clutch and floored it… Almost throwing my ass to the floor.




It all happened in a flash, but it still felt like it played out in slow motion for the hundredth time that night. The adrenaline pumping wildly through my veins was the only thing keeping me going. I felt every fight-or-flight response known to fucking man in a short span of time.

Once I had my guns, I jumped in the passenger seat.

She quickly shifted into second, then third as bullets continued to ring out behind us.

Fifty miles…


Seventy miles per hour, she gunned it through a steel yard, kicking up dirt in our wake.

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