Page 9 of Filthy Mogul

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Right between my eyes.




I didn’t even flinch, unfazed by the cool metal on my forehead. Grinning big and wide, I dared him to pull the trigger.

“That’s enough!” Vicente roared, his voice echoing off the walls.

Stepping back and away from him, I rasped, “But the fun just got started.”

His guard didn’t waver, redirecting the aim of his gun to my chest. Snidely smiling, he thought he gained the upper hand. I leisurely glanced down, looking at the red laser mark now placed over my heart. I couldn’t help but grin as I slowly gazed up through the slits of my eyes. I waited a few seconds before taking the backs of my fingers and wiping away his target as if it was just a speck of dust.

Mocking him.

“Fuck this,” I harshly exclaimed, pulling my gun out from the back of my slacks.

Vicente ordered, “Luke, don’t?—”

Aiming my Glock at his guard’s head, I pulled the trigger. I shot him right between the eyes without giving it a second thought. I shrugged off his order, placing my piece back into my back pocket.

His other guard had his gun locked and loaded except it was pointed at the ground.

Meeting Vicente’s angry expression, I callously questioned, “You were saying?”

I was prepared to hear his wrath, conscious of the fact that he’d try to test my short fuse and temper. I wasn’t surprised that his hand was now on the gun in his lap. They both obviously knew better than to fuck with me. That was the thing about this business—the second you let someone disrespect you is the second there’s a bounty on your head.

I’d seen it time and time again. These men were like pit bulls bred for fighting; they only knew blood, and they didn’t stop until your heart did.

“He was one of my best men,” Vicente gritted out in a threatening tone.

“If that were true, he wouldn’t be dead.”

He shook his head. “I came here in good faith that we could make a deal.”

“You should have informed your guard of that, and then maybe he’d have known better than to aim his pistol at me.”

“You think you can offend me and get away with it?”

“I wasn’t the one who barged into your office with my men demanding answers.”

His gaze intensified. An expression I was more than familiar with crept across his face.

It was only when I followed it up with, “You’re sadly mistaken if you think I’d let anyone raise their gun at me and live to talk ’bout it. I did what I had to do. It’s not personal. Don’t make it into something it’s not, ya feel me?”

I contemplated life for what seemed like the millionth time. If it wasn’t about my illegal activities, it was about my family. Neither was ever far from my mind. Two opposite ends of the spectrum, and once again, there was another drastic turn in a matter of minutes.

Vicente jumped out of his seat, and for a moment, I thought he was going to test my theory and aim his gun at me himself.

Instead, he backed away, expressing, “You’re lucky you’re a Jameson.”

“I wouldn’t call it luck.”

With that, he ordered his men to clean up the mess and left.

I didn’t turn into this monster.

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