Page 85 of Filthy Mogul

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For the life of me, I just couldn’t catch my breath.

“Do you know what I do to traitors?” I mocked, placing my gun on her forehead. “Now, I’m gonna ask you one last fuckin’ time, did you think I wouldn’t have found out?”

With trembling lips, she muttered, “I don’t know what I thought. I just did what I had to do to please him.”

“By pleasin’ me?”

“You don’t understand.”

“Then make me understand.”

“I have no choice…”

“There’s always a choice.”

“What do you want me to say to you, huh? You want me to apologize? Because that won’t make anything any better. And if you kill me?—”

“There is no if, sweetheart. You did what you had to do, and now I have to do the same.”

“He’ll destroy you if you kill me, and I don’t mean through you, Luke.”

Pressing the barrel into her forehead, I warned, “Don’t you fuckin’ threaten me.”

She quickly let out, “It’s not a threat. It’s the truth.”

“And I’m supposed to suddenly believe you?”

“I have nothing to lose anymore.”

“What did you have to lose before?”

She shut her eyes, murmuring, “You.”

“No, no, no,” I refuted, pressing the gun harder against her forehead. “You don’t get to close your eyes and hide behind your words.”

She slowly opened them.

And I couldn’t resist, I confessed, “I spent the last five days lookin’ for you, raisin’ hell and high water to fuckin’ find you. I lost… fuck…” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I thought it was my fault. I thought you were taken ’cause of me, but come to find out, you’re nothing but his whore that he lends out to his associates.”

She bowed her head in shame, and I lifted it with the end of the barrel under her chin.

“I fuckin’ loved you, Sloan,” I expressed for the first time, needing to say it. “Did you hear me? I’d fallin’ for you. Was that part of the plan too?”

Her eyes watered. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t get to say you’re sorry that easily and think it makes everything between us okay. Do you understand me?” Stepping back, I ordered just to be cruel, “Why don’t you get on your knees for me like you do for your husband?”

She jerked back, flinching.

Life had a funny way of knocking you on your ass. Just when you thought you had it all figured out, it laughed in your fucking face.

I would remember the next words that came out of her mouth for the rest of my life…“He’s not my husband, Jameson. He’s my father.”




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