Page 79 of Filthy Mogul

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She looked up, and we locked eyes through the mirror. Her mouth parted while her wide gaze flew from my face to the gun in my hand that was firmly pressed against her back.

“Hello, darlin’. You brought this on yourself, and now you’ve left me no choice.”

She snapped around, trying to catch me by surprise and take the gun out of my tight grasp, but she wasn’t fast enough. Using her own momentum against her, I pistol-whipped her to knock her out, and her world went black in an instant. I caught her body before it hit the floor and threw her over my shoulder. Thinking quick on my feet, I laid her on the bed and put the cloak and mask back on her, making sure to cover her face with the hoodie.

I had minutes to get us out of there without someone coming to look for her and find her missing. Once I’d covered her with the cloak and hoodie, I threw her over my shoulder again and sped through the house, praying that no one would stop me. I counted on everyone thinking I was just carrying my slave home with me. Luckily, I saw some men carrying theirs like that earlier, and all I could do was hope I’d blend in with them. The party was still packed, and that worked to my advantage. As soon as I made it out of the house, I breathed a sigh of relief. However, my relief was cut short when I walked past a man who eyed me skeptically for a second.

My body clenched when he questioned…“Whatcha got in there?”




I played it cool when I really wanted to tell him to go fuck himself and mind his own business. I would have, had it not been Duchess in my arms.

With a devious grin, I replied, “She had a little too much fun.”

Only then did I notice his hand was placed on the gun by his side.

I knew I had two choices, and I went with the one that seemed the most natural.

“We got a problem?” I warned in a threatening tone.

I figured I couldn’t pussyfoot around. If they smelled fear, I’d be fucked.

He set his arms out at his sides. “I was just admiring your property. No harm in that, verdad?”

“Well, I don’t appreciate bein’ interrogated when I just paid a shitload of money not to be, so if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to play with my new fuck toy in private.” With that, I started walking, not paying him any mind.

I could feel his hesitation deep in my bones as I walked away from him. At that point, I had nothing left to lose. If he shot me in my back, then that was the way this story would end.

Thank fuck he didn’t stop me.

Or so I thought.

The second my driver pulled up in the limo, the motherfucker was suddenly standing beside me, opening my door.

My heart dropped.

“I didn’t want to end up on the wrong foot.” He deviously grinned. “Allow me.” He backed away, gesturing to the open door.

I simply nodded, stepping into the wide space. He saw me tossing her ass onto the seat beside me, then I slammed the door in his face.

“Go,” I ordered the driver.

Once we were driving away, I wasn’t entirely positive that this wouldn’t turn ugly and a car chase or shoot-out wouldn’t occur. It wouldn’t be the first time. After about ten minutes on the road and making sure we weren’t being tailed by another vehicle, I finally relaxed a bit.

Within thirty minutes, we pulled up to a parking garage where I had another car ready for us. I couldn’t risk someone knowing where we were going, and I didn’t trust the driver as far as I could throw him. I needed to take extra security measures with her in my possession now. I kidnapped his wife, and it was only a matter of time until they found us.

If we were in a war before, this just escalated to full-on anarchy, but I didn’t give a flying fuck about that.

I needed answers, and I was going to get them from her. I was fortunate enough that Sloan was still passed the hell out when I handcuffed her to me, just in case she woke up. No way was she getting away from me.

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