Page 59 of Filthy Mogul

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She smiled into my mouth, grabbing the edge of her panties. I helped her take them off too, going right back to rubbing her clit again.

“No, I want you. I want you, Luke, please.”

My mind was running frantic as I kissed her neck and chin.

“I’ll seriously murder you if you don’t stick your dick inside me.”

I chuckled. “Needy little girl.”

“Please…” she shamelessly begged, knowing they were the magic words.

“Tell me your name,” I replied, placing my forehead on hers.

My mind was plagued with thoughts I tried to ignore but couldn’t.

The feel of her.

The taste of her.

The smell of her.



I wanted her to be mine.

“Oh, come on… we’re so close.”

“Darlin, I’m fully aware. Tell me your name, and I’ll give you what we both want.” Brushing my lips against hers, I repeated, “Tell me your name.”


Like a cold fucking shower drenching me and making me shudder, I froze. For the first time in my life, I was going to share a part of myself I hadn’t in who knows how long.

I lost track.

But that wasn’t the most shocking part…

No, that was secondary.

The hardest pill to swallow was the fact that I was…

Falling in love with him.




The last thing I wanted was to worry about Duchess. I had enough shit on my mind. Between the club and finding the motherfucker who was trying to take me out. I was waiting on a call from Felipe. He said he had a party he could possibly get me into where I could find the son of a bitch who was pulling the strings like a fucking puppet master.

Not only that but searching for a new cocaine distributor was becoming harder than I originally thought. I had my team for years and it was why someone was trying to take me out to begin with. They wanted what I had, and there wasn’t a chance in hell I wouldn’t go to war for what was mine.

Things were getting tense, and word around the street was that I was sniffing around. I’d gotten a little too trigger-happy, and now I was reaping the consequences of my temper. Too many bodies were piling up. There was no staying behind the scenes right now. I was front and center with it all. I had to be. If someone wanted me out of hiding, then there the fuck I was.

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