Page 15 of Filthy Mogul

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“They’re takin’ a break.”

“There are no breaks.”

His curiosity for what I had in the box became more evident with each passing minute. I knew what he was trying to do. Reading body language was a talent I perfected. Nothing got past me. I could see the way his index finger on his right hand twitched ever so slightly for a few seconds. How his jaw was clenched and the muscles on his neck tensed. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, I could see his pulse rapidly beating from the visible distance between us.

He wanted to come off all hard and unfazed, but I could smell his bullshit from a mile away. This motherfucker hadn’t been cooperating, so I decided to bring him a gift.

I grinned, placing my gun on the table with the barrel pointing directly at him, then setting the black box beside it. I leaned back into my wooden chair, making myself comfortable. I noticed how his eyes hadn’t wavered from the package, not even for a second. I didn’t pay him any mind, wanting the anticipation to build. Knock him down a few notches before delivering my final blow.

I leaned onto the table, arching my eyebrow with my hands clasped together out in front of me.

“Your refusal to tell me the truth and give me the names of the men I need for that little stunt someone pulled on my warehouse has reached its end.”

His fists clenched, his nostrils flared, and his face paled. My words clearly affected him. It fueled my rage.

“Fuck, it all makes sense now, no wonder your supplier didn’t put up too much of a fight. We probably did him a favor.”

He jerked back, breathing out, “My supplier?” His manic thoughts took over.

I slid the box across the table, hitting his arm resting on the surface. It stopped a few inches away from his face. His head flew back, and he was startled, locking eyes with me. I could see his anxiety radiating off him, fueling the fiend inside me.

He swallowed hard, holding his chin up higher and acting unfazed.

Provoking me.

“I bring you a gift, and I have yet to hear you thank me,” I mocked in a condescending tone, breaking the sudden silence.

“A gift?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. Confused and overwhelmed all at once.

“Go ahead, open it.”

He hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hands to grab the box. The panic swelled inside him. No longer the tough son of a bitch he once portrayed.

As he started to lift the lid, I added, “Someone once told me the only way to make a man pay for his sins was through the ones he needed or loved.”

“What the fuck?” he barked. Grabbing the severed head from the box, he immediately recognized who it was.

His mouth quivered, and his body shook. I saw him swallowing down the bile rising in his throat. I could see it in his eyes, one thought spiraling after the other.

It was time to break him entirely.

“Aren’t you gonna thank me now?”

His chest heaved with anger. “Oh God…”

I stood, placing my hands in the pockets of my suit, and casually made my way over to him.

“The only god in this room is me. Now confess the names I want, or I’ll be payin’ your wife a visit next. Don't worry, she won’t scream too much,” I sympathized, leaning forward close to his ear. “Not with my cock in her mouth.”

“You motherfuc?—”

I crudely gripped his throat, jerking him backward in his chair. Slamming his body onto the floor near my boots, I held his ass down. He instantly grasped onto my hand, kicking his legs out from under him. I choked him harder, placing my knee on his sternum and squeezing the air right out of him. His face turned red, and his eyes began to water as his life was being drained out of him…

By me.

“Someone needs to learn some goddamn manners, and lucky for you…” I hovered close to his face. “I’m just the man to teach them to you.” And with that, I coldcocked him, knocking him the hell out.

He came to when I was dragging his soaking wet body by his collar out of the private beach in the back of his house.He was convulsing, sucking in air I was ruthlessly denying him. Choking on the water that took up occupancy in his throat and lungs, he spit up God knows what.

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