Page 100 of Filthy Mogul

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“That’s not up for discussion.”

“You fucking my sister isn’t up for discussion?” he mocked. “Last time I checked, you’re the one who started a war over her.”

“Was that your plan all along? Let me leave with her to cause a shitstorm?”

“What kind of loyalty do you think I have with my only sister?”

“The same kind you have with your only father.”

He abruptly stood, getting in my face. “Is this where you tell me if I take allegiance with you, you’ll be my fairy godmother?”

“This is where I tell you if you take allegiance with me”—I cocked my head to the side, looking him up and down with a serious expression—“I won’t fuckin’ kill you.”

“Hmm…” He stepped back with his hands out at his side. “How about I tell you a story instead?”

Zeroing in on him, I was curious where he was going with this.

“Let’s see… it probably goes something like this. You grew up in your mommy and daddy’s house with money and protection. Respect. Love. Devotion from two loving parents.” He lifted two fingers in the air, pointing them at me. “You lived a life of fucking fairy tales and happily ever afters where Mom tucks you in at night and reads you a bedtime story. You wanted for nothing and asked for everything. You’re a cocky, arrogant, fucking prick, and you kill in five-thousand-dollar Armani suits while wearing a fucking Rolex and Italian leather shoes.”

I eyed him up and down. “Is there a point to this, or are you just wastin’ my fuckin’ time?”

“Patience is a virtue that shouldn’t be ignored.”

My fists tightened at my sides.

“Temper, temper, Luke Jameson. Have you met my sister?”

“Yeah and you’re proving to be just as big of a pain in the ass as she is.”

“You know…” He pointed at me again. “You really do think you’re a legacy or some shit.” He shook his head, disgusted. “No one wiped my ass, motherfucker. But fuck you very much for the offer.”

I resisted the urge to knock him the hell out. Instead, I glanced around the room, taking stock of what was around me and controlling my instincts to put him in his place.

If anything, I wanted to prove him wrong. Show him what happened to the men who lived in glass houses and threw stones.

They fall.



Into nothing but debris birds shit on.

“Was that speech supposed to intimidate me?”

“More like a wake-up call.”

“You’re suddenly the voice of reason?”

“No, I’m just your conscience.”

I scoffed out, “You don’t know a damn thing about me.”

“I know enough to know you don’t belong here.”

“I’m only here ’cause of Sloan.”

“So, what? You guys a couple now? You love her?”

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