Page 40 of An Omega for Anders

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My face must have registered something other than enthusiasm, because his crestfallen expression stabbed at my heart.

“Absolutely. I’m ready.”


I was half out of the bath, but Brett pushed me back in. “We can use a phone. Just don’t drop it.” He handed me a piece of chocolate. “Before perusing paint chips, we need caffeine and sugar.”

“Shame we don’t have a coffee machine in here.” But the caffeine in the chocolate would have to suffice.

“A soft gray would be nice.” My mate gave me his device, and I scrolled through fifty shades of gray paint.

“Excellent choice. Paint done.”

“Anders! No. Which one?”

I had a solution, but my mate might not like it. I’d been through this with the recent renovations, but I’d only looked at five paint samples.

“How about we use the same color as the one in the main bedroom?”

Brett got out of the tub again and stuck his head into the bedroom. “Oh, I like it. Good choice.”

Go me!

“Now let’s look at wallpaper.”

There wouldn’t be an easy solution with the wallpaper as there was with the paint because I didn’t use any in our bedroom. But I had a suggestion that would keep Brett occupied.

“Look at Jonah’s social media and scroll back a few years to when his kids were little. Do the same for Dylan. And Isabella. They all had wallpaper in their nurseries.”

“I think the way you think.”

The warm water lulled me close to sleep until my mate shook me, saying he’d found three wallpapers he liked; one from each of our friends. We decided on the bunny one Isabella had used.

“We’re doing so well. And now to cribs.”

“How about we look at cribs in person.” From listening to my friends’ conversations, they’d all visited the stores so they could examine the cribs.

“Excellent idea. You’re amazing. Let’s go.”

I grunted as I left the warm bath. Sometimes I wished I wasn’t as amazing as I was. A less amazing person could have stayed in the bath!

Chapter 21


Was I the size of our house?

Yes. Yes, I was.

Did I mind?

Not even a little bit. That was until today, when I put my shirt on and discovered that it was a crop top—and not a sexy crop top either. No, it was just short enough that it looked like I was wearing someone else’s shirt, with the tiniest bit of my underbelly showing. I looked absolutely ridiculous.

It was time to suck it up and buy some paternity clothes. I wasn’t even sure why I’d been so stubborn about it. Maybe because I was used to trying to be cautious with my money. Things were different when you were living alone. If anything happened, I had to be the one to cover the repairs. Being frugal made sense.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with that and everything to do with giving up an afternoon to go to the mall. I was hardly a fan of the place, but they had the shop we needed, the other one nearby-ish closed due to a leak.

But whatever the reason, I was ready.

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