Page 34 of An Omega for Anders

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“Let’s do one at a time. You first.”

I pulled out the vegan sausage rolls.

“For me?”

I nodded. “Made with mushrooms and a lot of spices.”

“Yum. Can’t wait to try one.” He popped one in his mouth. “I think I just did.” His eyes lit up as he chewed. “I need the recipe.”

“Sorry, I bought them from the vegan deli.” I pointed to his basket. “Your turn.”

Brett bought out a spinach quiche, and I took a bite of one slice. Buttery pastry, creamy feta, and sweet spinach. Perfect for outdoor eating.

We tried to outdo one another as we brought out the salads, pastas, sandwiches, dips, and fruit by yelling, “Ta-da!”

Brett lay on his side, a hand propping up his chin, and popped a grape in his mouth. “This is the life. I never imagined growing up I’d be so… at peace.”

My heart swelled with happiness. My mate was in a good place, and his beast was seemingly adjusted to this new life. While he and my snow leopard might not be besties, they rubbed along together, each respecting the other’s choices.

“Look!” Brett sat up and pointed upward. “A falling star.”

I squinted. Not wanting to dampen his enthusiasm, I didn’t point out it was a tiny rock shooting through the atmosphere.

“Make a wish,” I told him.

Brett reached for my hand. “Nope. I don’t need any more luck. I have you, the love of my life, and if finding you was part luck, part serendipity, I’m not tempting fate by asking for more than my fair share.”

Blinking away tears, I leaned over the food, and we kissed. That was the sweetest thing. He was right. We had a good life, a great one even.

“I love you,” I mumbled against his lips and licked off some beetroot dip.

“Awww. That’s my first ‘I love you.’”

I tilted my head. “Wasn’t it mine? I said it.” I was hoping he was going to say it back.

“But I’m the receiver so it’s my first.” He sniggered.

“Okay if you say so.” I made a face.

“But I love you too.” We kissed again. “We’ll always remember our first I love you.” He held up his drink to the sky. “Enjoy your journey.”

“Enjoy the journey.” I said that as much to myself as to the speck of sand streaming across the night sky.

“I miss Choccie.” Brett got his phone out.

“Please tell me you’re not calling him.” Our dog kinda went bonkers when he heard our voices, and he loved video conferencing. He was also a big soccer fan and he’d spend hours watching a match on the TV.

“No, I was hoping Jonah had sent an update.” He scrolled through his messages. “What if he’s pining for us?”

“He and the kids are probably running riot, and when he gets tired, I told Jonah to turn on the TV. He’s fine.”

My phone dinged, and we looked at one another. Gods, had the universe been listening in to our conversation and decided to mess with us? I clicked the image from Kyle. It was Choccie lying on his back, mouth open and eyes closed. The caption read, He’s exhausted.

Brett took my phone and enlarged the image. Knowing him, he was checking for any injuries.

“He’s fine,” I repeated and held my hand out for the phone. “Turning it off.” Brett’s brows shot up. “Okay, it’s on silent.” The vibrating would alert us to any messages or calls.

My mate studied the moon. “Human legends associate unicorns with the moon.”

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