Page 23 of An Omega for Anders

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“I could ask you the same thing.”

“I was planning on surprising you.”

“Call me surprised.” He fell into my arms, but the forecourt of a gas station wasn’t the place to greet your mate and maybe squeeze his beautiful butt.

While I paid for my gas, Brett filled his car, and I parked at the gas station café.

“This is a reminder that surprise visits might end in disaster.” He rested his head on my chest while I leaned on my car. “Do we drive to Oakheart or back to Rockhill?”

While spending the night with my mate was what I’d planned—what we’d planned—he would return to Oakheart in two days. That option would leave neither of us with a long drive early in the morning.

“How about we eat here, and I go home and you return to your guest house. We can celebrate on the weekend when you’ve finished your course.”

Brett agreed while saying he’d hoped to sleep in my arms tonight.

“Sleeping wasn’t on my mind.” I grinned, and he returned my smile.

We sat in a booth at the back of the café and ordered burgers and fries. Brett told me about his course, and I related how I’d been up to my knees in water after a pipe broke in a client’s basement.

“These are really good burgers. We should come here some time.” I dipped a fry in ketchup and popped it between my lips.

Brett tapped the corner of his mouth. “You have a little something something.”

“Here?” I pointed to the end of my nose. He giggled and shook his head. “Here?” I tapped my brow, and he rolled his eyes. “What about here?” I pointed under the table to my crotch.

“Stop it.” Using a paper napkin from a pile on the table, he dabbed at the corner of my mouth.

“Oh, there!” I winked, and taking hold of his hand, I kissed the palm.

“That’s ticklish.” He squirmed and tugged his hand, but I held it tight.

Running my finger over the lines on his palm, I said, “You have a long lifeline and so do I.” I showed him my hand. “We’re destined to spend many happy years together.”

“Good. I look forward to every minute of every day of every year.”

It was getting late, and we both had over an hour to drive, so after paying the bill, we stood by our cars that were parked side by side. Neither of us wanted to be the first to leave.

“You go and I’ll wave you off,” Brett suggested.

“That sounds like I’m a racecar driver.”

“Hmmm. You do drive a little fast.”

He had a point, and now that I had a mate, I needed to think of someone other than myself.

You’ve always had me. My leopard never let me get away with anything.

“No, you go first.” I hated goodbyes and wanted to say farewell to him, in case I burst into tears. It was silly because we’d see one another in two, maybe three days.

“No, you,” he insisted.

“Let’s do it at the same time.” We kissed and hugged, promising to message when we reached our respective destinations.

One final wave and I turned left, checking the rearview mirror as Brett went in the opposite direction. Though we didn’t get to sleep in the same bed and wake up beside one another, being with my mate had tamped down the desire to be with him every minute. Just as I had fueled the car, us having dinner had filled my contentment, and I was ready to sleep and face a new day tomorrow.

I got home before Brett reached his guest house, as I’d had a head start because of where I’d shifted, and I’d showered and was in bed when he arrived. We chatted until I told him to sleep, as he had an early class in the morning.

But I missed him being beside me, so I hugged a pillow all night, wishing it was my mate.

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