Page 79 of Cubs & Campfires

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“Because I’m the only man in these woods?”

“Is that what you really think?”

“I mean . . . kinda?”

Artair leaned over and ran a thumb across Luca’s cheek. His eyes glowed in the firelight—amber across emeralds. “If all the forest was full of sexy men, I’d still be spending my days with you, Luca Torres.”

Luca blinked, barely able to process the words. “Why?” he whispered.

“Because you’re smart and you’re sexy and you say things that make me think? Because you’ve never been an asshole about me not having a real job, or a degree, or asked me when I’m going to settle down? Because you wouldn’t let me walk off into a storm without making sure I was safe and warm and cared for?”

Luca stared, waiting for the dream to break.

It wasn’t something he’d thought about.

It wasn’t something he’d allowed himself to think about. The possibility seemed too remote to even consider.

And yet, everything about this moment felt right. Every inch of his skin radiated with a desire long hidden.

Artair laughed nervously at Luca’s shock. “Sooo... Is that a yes?”

“God, yes,” he said, kissing the beautiful man hard, taking him full and firm in his arms.

Luca’s mind was buzzing now—humming with the meaning of the moment. Joining Artair on his adventure? What would that even look like? How would that even work?

Luca didn’t know. Perhaps he wouldn’t know until that moment came. But in this moment, he knew that the summer suddenly felt far too short. And the thought of parting ways with this incredible man felt too awful to consider.

“But, what about my job?” Luca said, when their lips finally parted.

Artair gulped heavily, clearly knowing that the question was coming. Luca could see how much this moment meant to him. How much all of this hinged on this very conversation, this very second. “I know you think that no one will publish your stories. I know you think that you may as well give up. But I don’t think that’s true, Luca.”

Artair wasn’t looking at him now. Luca took his shaking hand, and Artair gripped him back, hard—like a drowning man in an ocean, knowing that the seas beyond were too cold to explore alone.

Because the night was too long and the stars were too few.

Because he couldn’t imagine facing any of it without him.

Because he’d been hurt by his life.

Because he’d loved and he’d lost.

Because this was everything Artair had to offer. A part of himself that he hadn’t offered in a long fucking time.

Artair blinked back a tear. “I think you’re brilliant and incredible and so are your stories. I think someone out there will love them as much as they deserve. And I’d like to help you find them. I don’t know what city or what state or what season, but I want to find the answer with you, Luca. If you’ll have me for the adventure. I know I’m not much. I know I don’t have much to offer, but?—”

Luca’s lips came hot against Artair’s.

Artair met them. Doubtful. Disbelieving.

When Luca spoke, it from somewhere deeper than he’d ever explored. From somewhere that would make the man believe every fucking word.

“You are everything, Artair,” Luca whispered, before tackling him to the grass.


Shifting Skies

Their fingers were intertwined against the grass, warm to the touch and welcome in grip.

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