Page 28 of Cubs & Campfires

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And words, husky and deep, telling him that he mattered.

Just as Luca was basking in the afterglow, a now-familiar flash of orange darted through the undergrowth.

Before Luca realized what was happening, Bowie had reappeared, grabbing Luca’s shorts from the ground, little mouth closing over the nut bar in his pocket.

By the time Luca had scrambled off the trunk, pins-and-needles stabbing his heels and bits of bark stuck to his bare ass, the fox was already gone.

And Luca was left to walk back to the tower, covered in cum and naked from the waist down.

Luca reached the tower in the orange glow just before sunset, thankfully avoiding too many rogue bushes. The birdsong was shifting as the insects prepared for their own serenade. Across the valley, the distant mountaintops were drizzled with honey.

And Luca almost had the piss scared out of him by an unexpected voice from the balcony.

“I’m trying really hard not to look at your dick!” called Artair, as Luca rounded the water tank. “But I’m not doing a very good job at it.”

Luca yanked his t-shirt down on instinct, popping a bunch of stitches and bringing a strong focus to the starchy stains across his chest. Contrary to the naughty fantasy of getting caught, the reality of the situation was more like dunking a foot into icy water. Immediately, his dick shriveled and his balls jumped up into his body.

Luca stared across the twenty feet of distance between them, heart thumping from the surprise appearance. “Again, I swear this wasn’t intentional.”

Artair had the same demeanor he always seemed to have—like he belonged on a blanket watching clouds, humming some catchy jingle to himself. He was leaning casually against the railing, one hand propped under his chin, with the other reaching down to pat the guilty-looking fox at his side. Around his flannel-covered chest was some kind of satchel, so full that various leaves and twigs were poking out the top.

“Eh, don’t stress about it. It’s just our thing now, right? We can’t visit unless there’s some nudity involved?” said Artair, making no attempt to hide his smile. “And nice milk stains on the shirt. What’s that, half and half?”

Luca bit his lip, trying to avoid the smile. “Please. It’s whole milk or nothing for this boy.”

“I’ll give you some hole milk.”

At that, Luca’s groin made an unwelcome reversal from the shock, forcing him to pull even harder at the shirt. His big balls lowered to their natural weight. His dick hung thick and soft, with just the slightest hint of firming.

Oh . . . no . . .

From somewhere deep inside came a tiny, terrible voice saying, Oh no! You’re naked and he’s fully dressed, and he can see all of you! Isn’t that shameful and embarrassing?

“Ahhh, yeah,” said Luca pulling so hard on the shirt that the neckhole felt like it might rip. “Good joke.”

Artair leaned into his propped arm even more, clearly loving the effect he was having. “Should I tell it again? I could make my voice even more husky.”

“Please no.”

“What if I come over there and licked the milk stains. I’d love to guess the brand.”

“Artair!” said Luca, having to pop his booty back to stop his rapidly hardening dick from showing.

“Okay, okay. I’ll be good,” he chuckled, pulling out a familiar flash of fabric from his pocket. “I’m guessing these are yours? There aren’t many guys that would wear neon green in the woods.”

“Yeah, well, I couldn’t afford to get a bunch of new hiking shit before I came out here. So I just packed what I had.”

“Ah, that explains it.”

They both stood in their respective positions.

The sun slowly set as Luca slowly rose. “God, you are such an ass. Can I please have my shorts back, Artair?”

“Of course! Why didn’t you ask sooner?” he said, balling the shorts up and tossing them over. “There are some pretty bad chew marks on the left pocket though. No idea what caused that.”

Artair tapped the toe of one boot to Bowie’s flank. The fox hung his head in shame. If it weren’t for the whole getting startled while naked thing, it might have been cute.

Luca caught the shorts and stared at them, taking far too long to realize how many free hands he’d actually need to put them on.

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