Page 18 of Cubs & Campfires

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Proof that none of the fantasy was imagined. A physique that spoke equally of warm winter cuddles and rowdy spring frolics. Of softness and power. Of the comforting and the commanding.

And just when Luca was sure his tongue was about to loll out his mouth, he stepped on a stray stick—the crack echoing among the calm.

Artair turned to face him.

“Ohhh, right,” said Artair, chuckling to himself. “The smoke.”

Artair’s reaction was the opposite of when Luca had been found naked. There was no jump. No rush to cover himself. No attempt to roll off his back and hide his cock.

Luca froze, unsure where to look or how to respond—which was an unusual situation for him. He was never usually tongue-tied around men. He had no problem approaching a stranger in a bar, or extending a conversation to the next table if they were saying something interesting. If anything, he’d made his name by asking complete strangers the most intimate and revealing questions.

However, the other people weren’t usually buck naked.

The awkwardness of one fully dressed man staring at one totally naked man was broken by the little fox appearing at Luca’s feet, propped up on his hind legs, tiny claws digging gently into the patch of skin between his knees and the hem of his shorts.

“Okay, I’ve got so many questions,” said Luca, trying to maintain innocent eye contact. “Like, does this fox know that it’s not a dog?”

Artair laughed. “Don’t be mean to him! Bowie’s just a little confused.”

“Bowie?” said Luca, as the fox shook his head in satisfaction. “Like the singer?”

“Damn. I hadn’t even thought of that! No, the patch of black around his neck. Doesn’t it look like a little bow tie?”

Luca moved his fingernails around for a chin scratch, making Bowie bliss out and expose both his cute little fangs and his flexible neck. “Oh wow, it does. How did I not notice that? Why are you so well dressed, little man?”

“Duh, he’s going to the opening of his next movie! Just look at that face. Those are some A-list cheekbones.”

At this, Artair rolled on his side—not away from Luca, but toward him—a hand propped into his beard and his groin somehow even more on display. His comfortable belly was full and alluring at that angle, like a furry pillow that Luca just wanted to nuzzle.

Luca tried not to stare at Artair’s cock too openly, but it was hard to miss. Even ignoring the heft, it was the one patch on his torso that wasn’t covered in hair.

Just look at that grin! He’s made zero effort to cover up. If anything, he’s showing off!

Luca shifted focus between the tent and the cabin, trying to distract himself from the warming thoughts. “You know you’ve got a whole cabin here, right?”

“You never camped in the backyard as a kid?”

“Okay, you got me there.”

“Besides, the cabin’s got some issues. Take a look if you want.”

Luca obliged, thankful for the distraction. He stepped up the sturdy porch, through the sturdy door, past a sturdy annex with sturdy shelves full of old-but-sturdy camping gear—clearly belonging to whichever sturdy person last lived here a long and sturdy time ago.

In fact, the only thing that wasn’t sturdy was the roof.

Sunlight flowed into the kitchen. The exposed beams supported a ceiling with half the shingles missing, giving a free view to a swaying white oak against a backdrop of blue.

Luca clicked his tongue. “Okay, so there’s a bit of a draft. But you’d still get a few thousand a month for it in Seattle.”

“Oh, a Seattle boy?” drifted Artair’s voice from outside.

“Yes and no,” said Luca, reaching down and running fingers over the cool moss that had formed between the floorboards. There was something almost magical about the way nature was returning to the man-made space. “I moved there for college, but I grew up not far from here.”

“What? In the forest? No, a cave system deep underground? No! You’re secretly a river fairy?”

Luca shook his head, unable to bite back the grin. Dork. “No. Some small town you’ve never heard of. You?”

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