Page 98 of Our Satyr Prince

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Aurelius kissed back hard, spreading the man’s lips with his tongue. He wanted him closer. His legs hooked around Calix’s big hips, bringing him down, grinding his rock-hard crotch against his ass. He pulled aside Calix’s fabric and licked all up his chest—sweaty and rough. The prince shoved him back and returned the gesture, tearing his tunic open, taking his pink nipples against his tongue without mercy.

Aurelius screamed in indescribable pleasure. He screamed for it to never, ever stop! He screamed so loud that all he could hear was the screaming, echoing around his head.

And then, in one awful moment, all that heat was torn from him.

There was a blur overhead as Calix rose, making straight for the edge of the rocks. Without stopping, he dove right down into the water!

Aurelius shuddered with a sudden chill.

The screams continued, but they were no longer his own.

Now, they were screams for help, coming from down in the villa.



What is this?

It was strange.

The world was all twisty.

From far away came a sound like a scream, but stretched out and fuzzy.

Her whole body was surrounded by a swirling, cold roil.


Then it hit her like a punch to the gut.

I’m... drowning!

She searched for a way out, but all she could see was hair and fabric, choking her, surrounding her.

She tried to scream, but the air just bubbled out.

Her chest was empty!

A crash came from somewhere nearby.

There was force around her.

Then the feeling of sudden momentum.

Then air! Sweet air.

She gasped for it amongst a cascade of drenching salt. Water clogged her eyes and ears. She couldn’t hear or see properly, but she could feel the crowd standing around. Sunlight beamed overhead, bright and hot, filling her blurry vision.

Then a cool shadow crossed the burn. A strong hand brushed the hair from her face.

“Are you alright?” asked a resiny voice, now blinking into focus.

It was... Crown Prince Calix.

Calix had saved her!

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