Page 88 of Our Satyr Prince

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Ms. Securia came to her side. “Please, Ms. Cosmin. I have lived in this city for almost thirty years. Do you think I don’t have my eyes and ears? How could you? Even after I gave you a second chance?”

“No! Please! I’ve been working so hard as an envoy! I have! And it was just one time! I only found him the venue because...”

The woman’s grin was pure malice. Realization stabbed like a sword.

You idiot!

The high envoy didn’t know she’d helped Aurelius, otherwise she’d have said something days ago. All she’d done was see her in the courtyard after dark, obviously nervous, pacing around, and taken a stab.

And Teigra had walked right into the blade.

“Yes, child,” the woman hissed. “Now, tell me everything.”

The thought of disobedience came and went. She’d been given enough chances. There would be no more mercy.

With guilty fire in her heart, Teigra complied, sparing only two things: the first was her intimate moment with Fabulosa, which she’d anyway tried to shove to the back of her mind since it happened; and second was the true reason for Aurelius’s mission.

“And why shouldn’t I send you back to Mestibes this second?” said Ms. Securia, when she was done. “Why shouldn’t I tell the senate exactly what kind of family House Cosmin is?”

Stick to the path, kiddo. Even if it terrifies you.

Teigra’s whole body twisted. The images flashed in front of her. All of her father’s work. All of his sacrifice. All destroyed because of her.



I’m so sorry.

Tears fell down her face as she offered up the last and biggest of Aurelius’s secrets. “If you let me stay... I will tell you why... why the herald is here...”

Ms. Securia scoffed. “Girl, I am aware of the archon’s ridiculous fears about Rinath. Of your cousin’s sinful attempt to remilitarize our homeland. Had you told me that a month ago, it might have earned you some mercy. But I have my own sources in the senate. And the archon has been a little too lax on who she is briefing. It appears she has been making some contingencies in case her son fails her.”

“Then... what... what would you have me do?” Teigra sobbed.

Ms. Securia bared her teeth. “If you want to be with your cousin so badly, Ms. Cosmin, then you have your wish. Because now, you will work against him. You will delay and obstruct. You will do your service to the senate to make sure he never succeeds in his twisted mission!”



Aurelius kicked some broken clay along the otherwise empty street.

He’d fucked it.

After weeks of searching, he’d finally tracked his quarry. He’d found the perfect vantage point. He’d lined up his aim. He’d released the shot!

And he’d fucked it.

He gave the clinking shard another sandal-full.

It wasn’t just that the evening had failed that upset him. It was also that this whole mission was taking him down unfamiliar paths—paths he was only now realizing he didn’t feel comfortable walking.

He hadn’t imposed many rules in his quest to claw back his rightful role of prominence in House Savair. He’d lied and cheated, ruined and wrecked. He’d tempted men who’d only previously slept with women on the promise of forbidden pleasures.

But that was only after obvious flirtation. Only when he was confident that the invitation would be welcomed.

He’d never, ever forced himself upon someone.

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