Page 78 of Our Satyr Prince

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“And let me guess,” he said. “You would be thrilled to help me. But you need to know what I want first?”

“How can I help you find something if I don’t know what you seek?”

“And if I refuse?”

She gave another infuriating shrug. “Then you can see just how good you really are.”

His lips twinged. Was this the same woman who had made his life miserable for the last month? And if he answered truthfully, would he be playing right into her hands?

After all, he was sure he could eventually win Calix’s favor, even with her in the way. Of course, he could. This was what he did.

And yet, the thought of achieving his six-year goal hung sweetly in the air. And after all, she had just betrayed Calix’s darkest secret, hadn’t she? She had admitted his sexuality! That was something that could get him killed!

Aurelius turned to the gathering clouds, a cool change whistling through the alley. “Your storms come from the north, don’t they, Your Highness?”

“They do.”

“Well, in Mestibes, it seems some are preparing for a storm from the south.”

She was quicker than he expected. “Ardor protect us. Rinath?”


“And what you seek from my family is something your senate would not approve of?”


Zosime nodded, looking around cautiously for the first time. “Then meet me at the barracks in two evening’s time. I will make inquiries. I am sure we will find ways to assist each other.”



Princess Zosime strolled through the suddenly cool air.

It would rain before the night was out. And it wouldn’t be the light misting so often received by the other polities—just enough to keep the olives in flower and the grapes on the vine. This would be a proper, Ardoran soaking.

It still amazed her the way the nights could go from poetically perfect to a howling gale, then back to the fire-coal warmth of sunrise, all in a few hours.

Fast changes. Just like the fortunes of those that live here.

An hour ago, she had been in the dark on the herald’s intention, but now she understood perfectly. The archon had sent her brat to bypass the will of the senate, seeking a preemptive military alliance with Ardora.

It was a bolder move than she’d thought the woman capable of. Bold, yes, but also hideously heretical. Had the ruler of Mestibes so little faith in the goddess she was oath-bound to serve?

Zosime eyed a dark corner on a quiet street, distant from the drunken roars in all other directions.

It would have to do. She could wait no longer. Her skin already felt like scorpions were crawling beneath it.

She brushed her long hair beneath the cloak and took her place in the deepest part of the shadow, where even the half-moon could not reach. It was overly cautious. There was no one around. But it was better not to take the risk.

For the briefest of moments, the shadows were illumined in twinkles of purples and indigos, glinting with far-flung diamonds. The lights vanished as quickly as they had come, along with all that wretched metal and leather of the princess’s uniform.

Now, a new figure lowered the hood.

They turned their face to capture as much of that pale moon glow as possible, willing it into their pores like the torrent which would soon bear down.

Their eyes and jaw were clenched, forcing back the urge to return to that prior appearance: to delve the full depths of that incredible potential for violence, for fury, for slaughter. Of all that magnificent prowess with a sword and bow and spear. Of all that untapped ability to command that even the princess didn’t seem to know she possessed!

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