Page 151 of Our Satyr Prince

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He banged against the carriage wall as they ground to another halt.

Progress out of the city was abysmal. Despite it barely being midday, several roads were already closed for the evening’s ceremony. While trying to get past the palace itself, where the big announcement would take place, the carriage slowed to a few yards every other minute.

Rumors were whispered under every breath from street level—some informed, some fanciful. The consensus was that a fight was brewing, with most agreeing it was a damn good thing.

Finally a chance to show what a real army can do.

Finally a chance to get out of the barracks and fight, just like ma’ always talked about.

Finally a chance to get some blood on our swords and some birds on our cocks!

Aurelius gave a bitter little laugh at the ribald talk. Ardora wasn’t going to war for Mestibes. That was just an afterthought. These were soldiers who hadn’t had the chance to soldier for five years. They wanted to put their skills to the test. They were doing it for the glory, for the fame, for the love of the fight, for the chance to finish of Rinath once and for all.

But not for Mestibes.

Aurelius didn’t care about that. It made no difference why they fought, as long as they turned up.

Soon the voices from the crowd turned.

“I heard the proposal will be right here! Tonight!”

“Sod your rumors. I heard they’re so in love they’re gonna march to the Great Grove any minute!”

“You think so? Oh, how romantic!”

“Well, did you see her out at the festival? I got to dance with her! I always thought those Mestibians were so stuck up, but she was downing drink and dancing with the best of them!”

Aurelius clenched his teeth as the carriage finally got back under way.

Bitch! Even gone, she is still all these people talk about!

He pulled the glass brooch that Securia had given him from his shoulder, holding the symbol of holy love carefully.

They could never go to the Great Grove for each other! Touching a rose would turn Calix into a fucking imago—a permanent therian! Something that she doesn’t even know about! Something he would never have trusted her with. And for her? She couldn’t do it, either! Because she doesn’t love him! Not the way he deserves to be loved!

The realization hit him like a punch to the stomach. He jerked his head back as the carriage bumped around, flicking the curtains open to reveal the Temple of Ardora, the Fields of Life, rushing past.

There were so many things that Teigra and Calix could do that he couldn’t. He couldn’t be intimate with the prince in public. He couldn’t get married to him. He couldn’t take the throne beside him.

But there was one thing Aurelius could do that Teigra couldn’t.

He clipped the brooch back and banged on the wall behind Jaspar’s head. “Stop! Stop this instant!”

There was a whinny as the carriage slid to a halt and he jumped out. “Just wait there!”

“No!” said Jaspar, stamping his hoof from the driver’s position.

Aurelius stopped midstep. “What did you say?”

“I said no! I am not your servant. You used me, Herald. You had me send a letter to the senate that put Teigra in that position. And now she’s gone! So get in the carriage right now, or so help me, I will leave here without you!”

“You would ride back to Mestibes with an empty carriage?”

“Yes, I would! And I will tell everyone in the city that you’re dead and that they should move on and praise someone else! Because good luck trying to get back to Mestibes after the ceremony, when every steed is commandeered, and every boat is full of supplies.”

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