Page 149 of Our Satyr Prince

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On several occasions, Aurelius attempted to speak to her through the door. She ignored him, not wanting to think about the celebration he would receive on his return. Not wanting to think about anything.

Because thinking about anything made it all feel real.

And as the long hours passed, she was taken by the darkest of thoughts: Why not just run away?

She knew enough now to remake herself in one of the smaller farming towns in Greater Ardora. It would be the ultimate disgrace to her family name. But at least she could keep the name she had fought for all these years. At least she might never know for certain that they had taken if from her.

Eventually, time beat her to the decision. On the fourth morning, Jaspar knocked mournfully and told her that the negotiations had been finalized, the agreement reached in record time. Ms. Securia would remain to attend a signing ceremony this very evening on behalf of the senate and the archon, freeing Jaspar to drive her back.

Ardora would send a Sisterhood to Vaticily immediately, to shadow Xiber on her pathway down the holy mountain—assessing whether she received favorable news from the god of fate. In the meantime, the other Brothers and Sisters would make their preparations. And if the forward party determined Xiber was making ready to invade, then thousands of troops would be sent south to join them. All to protect Mestibes.

Mestibes... Where she’d be arriving a criminal.

Alongside Aurelius. Who’d be hailed a hero.

All for doing the exact same thing.

She left her room in a numb, soundless fog. It was only when she stood in the courtyard, the funeral carriage to the rest of her life before her, that it all came welling up.

Everything she had been when she came. Everything she had done since she arrived. It all flooded through, bursting the dams of her unfeeling.

She had been so scared when she’d first arrived here. So young. So foolish.

That girl deserved the punishment that was coming.

But she didn’t.

She was better now! She was stronger now! She had done things in the last few months that she’d never thought herself capable of.

“Tiggy, please,” said Aurelius, opening the carriage door. “Let’s not have any of that.”

“How am I supposed to act, Aurelius?” she sniffed. “I’m returning as a traitor! Everything I worked for? Everything I fought for? Gone!”

“Darling, you know I won’t let that happen. Right now, House Savair is more popular than the whole senate combined. Once we get home, I will make sure they reverse this stupid decision. I will publicly shame them for scapegoating you. The people will be behind me. These charges will be dropped and your family will get the reward you have long fought for. I give you my word on that.”

Aurelius started to enter the carriage. But Teigra didn’t move.

“Why does the senate think I helped you, Aurelius?”

His face was blank. “Well, if we are being fair, darling, you did!”

“Only at first. Before I understood the stakes. Then I stopped. I was loyal to the senate. All this time, it appeared I was obeying their instructions. The only people who knew any different were you and me!”

He gave a weary sigh. “Tiggy, you are being silly. Come on. You know how long this journey is.”

Her fists curled. “Teigra! My name is Teigra! Not Tiggy. Not dear. Not darling! Teigra!” The withheld tears streamed down her face now. “And I know it was you, Aurelius. There’s no one else it could have been. Ms. Securia was supporting me—I know it wasn’t her! It was you! So just be honest for once in your miserable life and admit it!”

Aurelius looked at her for a long time, before finally dropping his bags and stepping back out.

His face turned rock-solid, betraying no hint of remorse. “Fine, you want to know the truth, Teigra? Yes, I told them. And it wasn’t even an accident, either. I wrote a letter to the archon, but I had Jaspar send it to the censor instead.”

Jaspar looked down from the driver’s seat in horror.

“Why?” she said, his honesty cutting deep.

“Oh, don’t act so innocent, dear. Don’t act like you don’t know what game you were playing, darling. What did you expect? That I would roll over and take your interference? Of course I took the opportunity to cut you down. And I took it again when Zosime asked for my help breaking you up.”

“Zosime did this?”

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