Page 138 of Our Satyr Prince

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Locked from the outside? Is this your work, Zosime?

As his fingertips grazed the cold metal, he felt something strange—like the buzzing of bees and the scent of spring. And he knew with a certainty he couldn’t describe that Calix was behind the door.

He experienced a moment of final indecision.

But he had come too far. He had given too much.

And he had to free him.

It took three swings of metal against metal from the farm tool before the lock tumbled down.

The door creaked open.

And Aurelius gasped.

Out of the earthen walls and floor of the basement grew a garden of the most vibrant colors he had ever seen. Green vines and an array of flowers crept to the vaulted brick arches of the cellar, lit by thousands of luminescent mushrooms, glowing a soft, calming teal beneath the foliage. The ground was blanketed in the lushest grass he had ever seen, coming up to shin height and swaying gently, despite the lack of breeze. The air was rich with perfume from the dozens of flowers—an enticing mix that made his skin tingle.

And sitting in the middle of all this magnificence was the satyr.

The face was the same as before, albeit a little more primal—the beard fuller, the cheeks and jaw and brow bones a little more defined. Thick horns curled from his temples, up past his crown in twisted daggers. Black hair fell onto his chest, resting against the thicker fur that covered his muscle—somehow even larger than before. That fur grew to a full, animalistic pelt at his hips, stretching down the rest of his body.

A knowing smile came across the creature’s face, at once familiar, yet deeply different.

The satyr stood, rising on cloven hooves.

But Aurelius only noticed those for a moment.

Because his gaze was drawn between the beast’s legs.

It was the most impressive cock he had ever seen—long and thick, even when flaccid.

The satyr stretched its arms in a luxuriant, languid way, utterly unashamed of his nakedness. “Oh, Your Excellency,” he cooed, the voice slightly higher and significantly more playful than Calix’s smoky tones. “I thought you would never come.”

“C... Calix?”

The surprise he felt was unexpected. He’d known this was what he would find. Of course he had. And yet, seeing the creature there, in the flesh, brought the reality of it all home.

Therians existed.

Satyrs existed.

And Calix was one of them.

That creature was Calix.

“In a manner of speaking,” said the satyr prince, yawning. There was something utterly at ease in his movements—like every muscle was freed of tension. “And there is no need to avert your eyes, Aurie. I know this is what you came for. And make no mistake, it will be yours.” The creature gave a lazy flick of his hands and vines crawled across the door, blocking the exit. “So take your time. Believe me. We have all night.”

As if on command, he looked back at the creature’s cock, drawn to it, yearning for it.

He gulped at the size.

It was so close. So impressive. And it was his. All his! He could have it any time he wanted. For as long as he wanted it!

His head filled with thoughts of getting on his knees and servicing the great manhood. The desire slid over him like finest silk. To bend over and beg the creature to take him in his arms and dominate him and—

“You... you can’t control me,” said Aurelius, his skin shuddering hot and prickly at the strange sensations in his mind, the strange thoughts that were at once his own and yet not.

The satyr stepped through the swaying grass. He stopped when they were face to face, running a finger delicately under Aurelius’s chin.

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