Page 131 of Our Satyr Prince

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She felt guilty for not helping them in their long hours. But not too guilty. After all, she was serving the polity in her own way, wasn’t she?

She departed around ten, the cicadas singing in the warm night.

A hidden voice from near the entrance caused her to jump. “You are out awfully late.”

Leaning back against the wall, half-lit by starlight, was Aurelius.

Her freshly washed skin prickled. She had barely spoken to him in weeks, though she had often seen him—sitting up on his balcony, drinking endless cups of wine and staring down at them all, like some kind of demented owl.

“Have you been following me, Aurelius?”

“Now, now. Don’t make it sound so menacing. I just wanted to talk.”

“We live in the same compound. You can talk to me whenever you like.”

“We can talk there if you’d rather? I just assumed you wouldn’t want prying ears around when discussing your false romance with the prince?”

She hissed and scanned the dark streets. They appeared to be alone. “Keep your voice down! And... it isn’t like that, all right? We care about each other. He is getting what he needs. And I am doing what I need to do to save—”

“Tiggy, Tiggy, please!” he said, with that familiar, boyish smile. “I already know all of that. Calix told me everything.”

She narrowed her eyes. “He did?”

“Yes. A week ago he came to tell me that it was over between us.”

“And, what? You couldn’t convince him, so now you are trying your luck with me?”

“No, cousin. I let him go. He is yours.”

She shuffled awkwardly on the spot. “But, what about your mission?”

“The mission was always to save Mestibes, Tiggy. If I could get myself back in everyone’s good graces, that was a bonus. But our home was always the main concern. And it is clear you have that in hand.”

Teigra licked her lips. It couldn’t be that easy. “What is this, Aurelius? We don’t speak in forever, and now you turn up all sunshine and light?”

“Look, I just came to offer a truce. If you want to do this alone, I understand. After all, I am sure Calix’s family aren’t playing any games with you.”

Games? How does he know about the queen? I haven’t told a soul!

“What... what have you heard?”

“Heard? Why, nothing, cousin. I just know how those people think. I am one of those people, after all.” He looked genuinely concerned. “Why? Has something happened?”

The shield of her skepticism cracked a little. He was right about the games. And he did have more experience dealing with people of that class. Maybehe was telling the truth?

“I... had a meeting with the queen,” she said, slowly. “It was strange. It felt like she was testing me? But I’m probably just being paranoid.”

“No, you are right to trust your instincts. And Calix mentioned that a proposal would come soon?”

“On the first day of autumn.”

Aurelius grimaced. “At some big fancy party, I’m sure? At the palace?”

“Well, yes?”

“And let me guess, the queen also picked that date?”

“Yes, but—”

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