Page 127 of Our Satyr Prince

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Last night, over a private dinner at Calix’s vineyard, they’d discussed when he might propose. The queen had suggested the first day of autumn, in about a month, and offered to make all the arrangements herself.

That seemed like a good suggestion. It would also mean that public sympathy would be at its highest when news of the invasion came.

In the meantime, Calix would ensure the army was primed—getting into the ears of the captains of the various Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods about the threat of a resurgent Rinath; starting chatter in the junior ranks about how it was high time to get their gear bloody, with all the glory and excitement that battle entailed.

And no one was more qualified to drum up that kind of excitement than the Hero of Sama.

Not that he was anticipating much resistance. The way Calix talked about it, it didn’t even seem an inconvenience for the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods to be supporting Mestibes. Like all the fighters would want to see battle. Like it would bring the Reds together and strengthen their hold on the city.

But what she and Calix certainly wouldn’t do was sign anything. No announcements. No declarations of allegiance. That was important for both of them. This whole arrangement needed to appear like their courtship—it needed to appear natural.

This was not just to ensure that Ardora supported Mestibes when war broke out, but also to ensure her family’s reputation was preserved. Her falling in love with a handsome prince, and him coming to her aid in a time of need? The senate would accept that, even if they suspected foul play. And with a future queen in their ranks, House Cosmin would be elevated to patrician status as soon as the engagement was declared.

But she still had to ensure that nothing cynical appeared to occur, otherwise all that goodwill, on both sides, would crumble as badly as Jaspar’s statue.

There was commotion from the other side of the stalls, over and above the usual din of haggling and animal brays. Something was moving through the press, creating a wave of excitement.

Then, the cause of it all came into view.

It was the queen.

And she was walking right toward her.

Teigra gasped. In over two months in Ardora, she’d never seen the queen in the marketplace, or even in this part of town before.

“Teigra! What a pleasant surprise!” she said, laying a kiss on each of her stunned cheeks.

“Your Majesty! How... how wonderful to see you again.”

The queen took her by the arm and strolled onward, making polite small talk. As if her presence here was the most natural thing in the world.

It wasn’t. They’d spoken at the dinners and social events she’d attended at the palace in recent weeks. But they’d never been alone like this before.

“The two of you are the talk of the town, you know,” said the queen. “There are many who thought that my son would never find happiness again. And to do so with someone from exotic lands? Remarkable. Simply remarkable.”

“It is. I am lucky to have him,” she said, her mind clicking like summer cicadas.

The queen looked down at her imperiously.

Was Teigra paranoid, or was there a hint of condescension in that look? The way the nostrils flared with her chin held high, forcing Teigra to look up at a sliver of iris?

“But there is much more to the role than the banquets and the balls. It is hard work, joining a ruling family.”

“I am no stranger to hard work, Your Majesty.”

“Yes, horses isn’t it?” the queen chuckled. “How quaint. Of course, being the queen of an entire polity is a good deal more complex than running a little stable. I must manage a thousand competing interests. And one must always ensure the love and loyalty of those of importance.”

Quaint? Little stables?

Is she... mocking me?

“I look forward to learning such skills,” said Teigra, scowling slightly.

“Ah, but some things can be difficult to learn. And some people are difficult to convince. Even I had doubters during my courtship. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for someone from so humble a background.”


Is she... testing me?

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