Page 6 of Carver

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With a sigh, she pushed the covers back and swung her legs over the side of the bed, feeling the cool wooden floor beneath her feet. She stood up, stretching her arms above her head, and walked to the small window in her bedroom. The city outside was already bustling, cars honking and people moving about their daily routines.

She smiled slightly, taking in the familiar sights and sounds.

Her thoughts drifted to the previous evening, to the strange noises she had heard from Carver’s apartment, and his quick dismissal with the “horror movie” excuse.

She frowned, the memory bringing back a flicker of unease. But then she remembered the kiss, how he had leaned in and captured her lips with such intensity. Her heart fluttered at the memory, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Shaking her head, she tried to push the mixed emotions aside. She had a busy day ahead, starting with her morning run.

She quickly changed into her workout clothes, a pair of comfortable leggings, and a loose tank top. She tied her hair into a ponytail, grabbed her water bottle and earbuds, and headed out the door.

The fresh air hit her face as she stepped outside, and she took a deep breath, feeling more awake. She started jogging, her pace steady as she made her way through the neighborhood.

Running always cleared her mind, and she hoped it would help her make sense of the conflicting thoughts and feelings swirling inside her.

As she ran, her thoughts kept circling back to Carver. There was something about him, something that drew her in despite the warnings in her head. He was enigmatic, a puzzle she wanted to solve, and yet there was an edge to him that made her wary.

She couldn’t quite shake the feeling that there was more to him than he let on. She was so distracted, she didn’t notice the black Jaguar that nearly ran her over.

Thankfully, a passerby grabbed her arm and pulled her aside. A Jaguar in their neighborhood? Must be some spoiled rich driver, wanting to see the other side of town. She shook her head and returned to her apartment.

At the very least, she did feel invigorated. She took a quick shower, letting the hot water relax her muscles. As she dressed for the day, she found herself glancing at the clock, wondering what Carver was doing. Was he thinking about her too?

She dressed for work and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. As she cracked eggs into a bowl, her mind wandered back to the pie she had made for Carver. She hoped he had enjoyed it, and a small smile tugged at her lips at the thought of him savoring her baking.

Lucy wondered if she should knock on his door again tonight, maybe invite him over for coffee. But then she remembered the scream she had heard, and doubt crept in once more.

Lucy shook her head, focusing on whisking the eggs. Maybe she was overthinking things. Maybe it really had been just a movie. But a part of her couldn’t let go of the nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

As she sat down to eat her breakfast, she made a decision. She would be cautious, but she wouldn’t let fear dictate her actions.

If Carver was hiding something, she would find out. But until then, she would give him the benefit of the doubt. Everyone deserved a chance, after all.


Lucy was minding her business at the diner, wiping down the counter and occasionally chatting with Cindy, who was restocking the shelves with napkins and condiments.

The morning crowd had come and gone, leaving the diner in a lull before the lunchtime rush. The soft hum of the refrigerator and the clinking of dishes in the kitchen were the only sounds that filled the space.

Cindy leaned over, nudging Lucy with a grin. “So, any plans for tonight?”

Lucy shook her head, smiling. “Not really. Just hoping to get some rest,” she admitted. Perhaps she’d bake a simple banana cake, offer some to Carver, although she decided not to tell Cindy that.

Their conversation was interrupted by the unmistakable shuffle of their sleazy manager, Burt, as he approached. Burt was a balding man in his late forties with a perpetual smirk that made Lucy’s skin crawl. He stopped in front of her, his eyes lingering a bit too long.

“Lucy, looking good today,” he said, his eyes raking over her. “Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven, or did you trip over all those damn curves?”

Lucy forced a polite smile, her stomach churning with disgust. She turned to continue wiping the counter, hoping he would take the hint and leave her alone. But Burt wasn’t one to back down easily.

“Hey, Lucy,” he said, leaning against the counter, far too close for comfort. “How about you and me go out sometime? Maybe tonight?”

Lucy’s grip tightened on the cloth in her hand. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before responding. “No, thanks, Burt. I’m not interested,” she said.

Burt widened his smirk, clearly enjoying the chase. “Aw, come on. Don’t be like that. What’s the matter? Got someone else lined up?” Burt asked.

Lucy hesitated for a split-second, her mind racing. She needed to shut this down, and fast. The last thing she wanted was to make her work environment even more uncomfortable.

Without thinking, she blurted out, “Actually, I’m seeing someone else.”

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