Page 19 of Reading the Play

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“Hold on. Just…fuck, I can’t think right.” He led my hand to the bulge in his pants. His groan of pleasure hit me hard. “We can’t here. Wait. Just…shit.” He shoved the key into the ignition, reversed so hard my forehead nearly kissed the dash, and then gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. Your hand on my dick is making it hard to…do anything.”

I sat back, buckled up, but left my hand on his upper thigh. We drove off into the night, pulling off the road to pick up some back roads that led us to a small lake.

“Almond Lake,” Baskoro informed me. I gave the moonlit lake a nod of appreciation and then popped the latch on my seatbelt. He did the same. His mouth crashed over mine. I took his shoulders and tugged, jerking him and me around. We shifted at the same time, lifting our bodies up and between the seats. A moment of panic ensued when we got wedged in, but once I wiggled free, I fell into the back seat and he flounced down on top of me.

“Ow,” I hissed, reaching under my shoulder to pull out a crushed energy drink can. “Polkman is a slob.” I threw the can into the front, grabbed Baskoro by his head, and led his mouth to mine. Our legs were bent into odd shapes, and my neck was twisted badly, but I gave no shits. The man atop me was rubbing his cock into mine while he lapped deeply into my mouth. Who cared if I couldn’t straighten up tomorrow? I was bendy. I was young. It would all be good.

“Fuck, I…ouch what the hell?” I grunted as my backside rolled over something sharp.

“Skate, sorry, Liam is…oh shit yeah,” Baskoro huffed, yanking a goalie skate out from under my thigh as I found, and then freed, his dick. “Shit, oh shit, yeah, yeah. I want to touch yours.”

I lifted one side of my ass, unwilling to release his cock, and moaned in pure bliss as he ripped down my zipper and dug inside my shorts to grasp my dick. “Fuck you’re thick.”

Tugging his mouth back to mine, I linked a leg over his back and pumped up into his grip. He licked into my mouth, hair tickling my cheeks as it hung downward in a curtain of ebony silk. I fisted it, hard, and he gasped, then bucked, opening his hand to gather his dick. Hot cock rested beside hot cock. I arched my spine. My cock rubbed over his, the wet heads adding slick to the strokes. My fingers stayed in his hair as we both rocked, ground, and thrust madly. He came first, his whimper of release swallowed by my tongue in his mouth. I refused to let go of his hair, so when I blew my nut, I, too, growled into a scorching kiss that went on and on long after we’d drifted back down to earth. My grip slackened a bit. I caressed his hair back from his face when he levered himself up, locking his arms as we lay there like two spent pretzels.

“So touching dicks was fun,” he said, his voice thick and craggy.

“So much fun.” I wiggled upward, resting on my elbows, to kiss him again. He melted into the kiss, his weight shifting into me again, and I could easily lie back down and do this again. Hell, the mere thought of getting off with this man made me half hard in no time. “What the fuck are we doing here, though?”

“My knee hurts,” he said as he winced and moved back to rest his shoulders on the right window. “Man, Liam needs to hoe out this car.” He tossed a crumpled soda can over his shoulder, slid down to rest on the seat, and did nothing to untangle our legs. I chuckled at the sight of us, all bent up and sweaty, dicks out, cum spread over our abs and his hand, bitching about his sloppy roommate. It was surreal. The whole thing.

“You do realize that we just hooked up with enemy goalies,” I said, enjoying the way he looked in the moonlight. His hair knotted, his lips puffy, and his neck bore a mark that I didn’t recall making but obviously did. “Also, I think I kind of left a little bite mark on your neck.”

That lazy after sex mellow expression evaporated. “What? Fuck. Are you serious?! What the hell, Marcus? How can I explain that to Liam?”

He tucked his soft dick back into his pants, zipped, and clambered back into the front, long legs catching on the headrest several times before he freed himself. I sat up, found an old T-shirt, wiped my stomach and dick, and dropped it back to the floor. Then I felt bad for doing that and shoved it into the front pocket of my jacket. I could wash it at least and then give it back.

“Man, you are a beast,” he huffed after turning on the dome light to check out his hickey. His glower made me snicker. “Asshole,” he grumbled as the scowl melted into a soft smile. “That was pretty amazing…not going to lie.”

His gaze held mine in the rearview mirror. “Yeah, it was probably the hottest back seat frottage session I’ve ever been involved in.”

He nodded slowly, the amusement leaving his face. He sighed, popped the glove box, and pulled out some baby wipes. Oops. Well, who knew there were wipes? He offered me the package. I took one and passed it back. The smell of baby powder and sex was thick in the stuffy air.

“So this thing…” He wiped at his belly as he spoke. I watched, transfixed, wishing that I’d had more time to explore his body. More time and lots more space. “This thing we have going…is this just a hook-up thing?”

I scrubbed at my hand as I tried to work out the knots in my head. “It could be. Do you want it to be or are we just going to do this one time and be like ‘well, that was fun but I’m not that into you that way’?”

I peeked up as my words reached him. He pulled his lower lip between his teeth. Sexiest man ever right there, and I knew I wanted more than this one time. Stupid, yes, and probably a nuke to my career, but I didn’t want to have this be one and done. I liked Baskoro. A lot.

“How are you feeling?” he tentatively asked as he wadded the wipe into a tight ball before stuffing it into his hoodie pocket.

Leaning up, I draped my arms over the backs of both front seats and nudged at his cheek with my nose. He rolled his eyes but turned to face me, his lips brushing mine. I felt and heard the silky exhale on my face. Coffee and chocolate still.

Damn but I wanted more of him, of this, of the sex, of the teasing, of it all, but how would that even play out?

“I’m feeling like I want more,” I dared to say. He sighed, smiled shakily, and bobbed his head.

“Yeah, I feel like I want that too. We’ll have to be discreet. I don’t know how the teams would feel if they found out we were hooking up.”

I blew out a breath and sat back with my legs bent up as they rested on the rear seat. “I don’t know either. It’s probably never happened before. Two guys on opposing teams getting together.”

“If it did, it was in secret. I mean, who would have dared to come out about dating someone on a different team? Players had to hide their queerness, let alone the fact that they were attracted to an opposing team member.”

“Yeah, yeah, truth.” I pressed my shoulders into the window glass, my sight resting on Baskoro staring down at his hands resting palm up in his lap. “How about we take some time to think about it?”

He nodded. “Okay, that’s sensible. We’ll consider the pros and cons, and then we’ll make a call.” His sight left his lap. “I think we should get home before someone finds us here.”

“Good thinking. I just…well, thanks for dinner and for…” I waved a hand between us.

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