Page 31 of Killer Queen

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As soon as he heard Daddy, all he could think of was his father.

“I was being good!” Ryan barked, struggling against the invisible magical hold on his wrists. He couldn’t see how they were trapped, but it was impossible to move them. “Hey! Quit it!”

“You’re not being very good right now.”

“Well, you’re being an asshat! So I guess we’re even!”

Ormenus rolled his eyes and slid his claws down Ryan’s sides. “Just relax. Breathe. Let Daddy take what he wants and I promise it’ll feel so good.”

Ryan gritted his teeth. “You’re not my Daddy.”

“The fuck I’m not,” Ormenus spat as he leaned back, spreading Ryan’s legs wide. “I take care of you. I feed you, clothe you, and leave you fucking dripping and quite satisfied.” He slammed his cock in mercilessly. “That makes me your fuckin’ Daddy, sweet boy. Whether you like it or not. And you can deny me all you want—” His eyes flicked downward. “—but Daddy definitely sees how hard your cock is for him.”

“No! He doesn’t do any of those things!” Ryan screamed angrily, his thighs trembling. Hot tears slid down his face as Ormenus continued to pound him, and the whiplash from how passionate Ormenus had been before was confusing.

This felt like a punishment.

But Ryan didn’t understand why.

“Then that makes him a fuckin’ sperm donor and not your fuckin’ Daddy.” Ormenus pushed in as far as he could, holding there as he gazed down at Ryan. He pawed at Ryan’s cock, thumbing over the leaking slit as he said, “I’m your Daddy now, boy. And I am going to take such good care of you. As long as you be a good little boy for me, you’ll want for nothing.”

Ryan shuddered and moaned, trying to resist the urge to buck up into Ormenus’s hand. No one had ever taken care of him, not really, and he wasn’t sure he believed it just because Ormenus could fuck him senseless.

Ormenus smirked, taking his silence for acquiescence apparently because he purred, “Good boy. Now just relax and let me fuck you.”

Ryan sniffed and turned his head so he wouldn’t have to look at Ormenus. “I… I don’t need a Daddy.”

“Oh, yes, you do,” Ormenus argued, giving Ryan’s thigh a hard smack. “Look at you. Murdering your way through man after man for scraps and fleeting pleasure. Trying to care for yourself and that little sister of yours, eh? But you can’t do it. Not alone.”

“I’ve made it work!” Ryan protested, whimpering softly as Ormenus slowed down. “I’ve done it alone for a long time!”

“Ah, yes, and those lovely bruises all over you are there because you’ve been doing such a great job of it, hmm?”

Ryan tensed.

“You need a Daddy,” Ormenus said with a small smile. “You need me.”

Panting loudly, Ryan shook his head defiantly. “I don’t need anyone! You…” His voice cracked. “You all just leave anyway.”

“I won’t.” Ormenus kissed him firmly, cradling the side of his face. “Daddy won’t ever leave you.”

Ryan felt all the color drain out of his face as Ormenus gazed down at him, and he felt so small.



It was as if Ormenus could see right through him, and he’d never been this powerless before. There was nothing he could do against Ormenus, a creature of extraordinary power who had literally survived a murder attempt and yet…

Ryan didn’t think Ormenus would hurt him.

He realized that Ormenus had done everything he’d said and more. He’d taken care of him—and Bonnie too—and made him feel such amazing things. Ryan had finally felt safe.

God, Ryan wanted to believe him.

He wanted this to be real, to mean something, to know that Ormenus really wouldn’t leave.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he kissed Ormenus back desperately, whining and trying to break his hands free. He gasped when the magical hold faded and he grabbed for Ormenus’s shoulders, moaning as Ormenus fucked him slow and deep, milking every thrust to make him totally fall apart.

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