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“As you said, he came up here several times a day to smoke, and lots of people knew that. Could someone have tampered with his cigarettes? Laced them with something that could mess with his head? Ugh. Forget it. I just realised how stupid that sounds.”

Neil shook his head. “It’s not stupid at all, but that method would lack certainty.”

“It was just a thought.”

“Of course. This is all speculation. I have no evidence Daniel was involved, just a gut feeling. His dislike of Alex was part of the reason he sent me here in the first place, but maybe it’s just a coincidence.”

The wind died down as we reached a natural lull in our conversation. Neil looked out over the barrier wall, holding his hands behind his back, his expression contemplative.

I remembered I had something important to ask him. This was my opportunity.

“Neil.” I stepped closer to him and the wall separating us from the sheer drop to certain death.

He turned and gave me his full attention, his arms crossed and his head cocked to one side.

I forced the words to the tip of my tongue as a rush of nerves threatened to engulf me. “I think I know what it is… What you’re scared Daniel knew about.”

Neil clenched his jaw. “Go on.”

This was the moment of truth. I braced myself. “Are you in a relationship with Daniel’s sister, Veronica Ling a.k.a Ruby?”

My question hung heavy in the wind-whipped air.

Neil looked down his nose at me, dissecting me through his narrowed eyes. “It seems, yet again, I’ve underestimated you.”

Does that mean I’m right? Neil and Veronica…

“How on earth did you know her alias?” Neil asked.

“I’ve seen that name pop up on your phone a few times, and I wondered who she was. It was just a hunch.”

A muscle ticked in Neil’s jaw. “You’re very perceptive.”

“So, it’s true then? Is she your girlfriend?”



“But you’re on the right track. I’m not in a relationship with Daniel’s sister, but I have been in contact with her.”

“You’re not… together? But you looked so close…”

Neil’s eyebrows shot up. “What are you talking about?”

“I saw you with her. I was on my way home from cleaning your place a couple of weeks ago when I saw you at a restaurant.”

“Ronnie is an old friend. Okay, she’s my ex. She was visiting from Singapore.”

“Your ex?” The words felt tinged with bitterness in my mouth.

“She was my fiancée for a while, but we split up a long time ago.”

I dropped my gaze to the ground. “Oh. I see.”

I still couldn’t quite believe it. Were exes usually so at ease with each other? What if they wanted each other back? It certainly looked that way.

He even has a nickname for her…

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