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Though I still felt a twinge of discomfort at the final total, it was within the budget. “Perfect. Thanks.”

I scanned Neil’s credit card on the card reader and used the pin number he had given to me. The assistant packaged my items by folding them, wrapping them in fragranced tissue paper, and stowing them in two large paper shopping bags emblazoned with the store’s logo. I put the receipt in my purse for safekeeping. Neil would need it for tax deduction purposes.

Well, that was a successful outing.

I had bought several beautiful new pieces to wear to work, and I didn’t have to spend a cent of my own money. I felt like kissing Neil’s Visa card.

Armed with my two full shopping bags, I stepped out of the store and into the bustling mall. That’s when I came face to face with Nicole. She was with a friend I didn’t recognise. They had their arms linked and held Starbucks drinks.

“Nicole,” I said, raising my hand to wave to her, though it was weighed down by the bag on my wrist.

“Oh, hey you,” Nicole said with a vague smile. Her eyes went straight to the shopping bags I carried, and she raised her brows. “Valentina’s? Nice.”

I giggled nervously. “I don’t normally shop there. I just got a new job, and I had to buy a new work wardrobe.”

“Good for you! What’s the new job?”

“Secretary to the CEO.”

“Wow. Weren’t you working in a call centre before?”

“I used to, but more recently, I was working in comms.”

“Well, congrats. Oh, this is my friend Gemma.” Nicole gestured to the woman beside her.

The friend smiled at me. She had dyed-blonde hair and wore loads of eyeliner and jewellery.

“Hi, Gemma. I’m Milly.”

“Hi. Nice to meet you.”

“Are you two here to do some shopping?”

“Uh-huh,” Nicole said. “Retail therapy. I’ve been so stressed out recently.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“Wedding preparations. My parents and in-laws have been fighting non-stop lately. They can’t agree on anything.”

“Oof. That’s rough. I’m sorry you’re going through all that.”

“Nothing a bit of shopping can’t alleviate.”

“We’re going to buy new outfits for the hen’s,” Gemma explained.

I had been expecting Nicole to have a bachelorette party before her wedding, but this was the first time I had heard anything about it.

“Your hen party?” I asked Nicole. “When is it?”

She frowned, and Gemma stared blankly at me. I wondered if I had said something wrong.

“Didn’t you get the invite?” Nicole asked.

“No, I didn’t.”

She winced. “I’m so sorry. There must have been a mix-up. I’ll resend it to you. It’s next month, on the fourteenth. So still a while a way. You have to come, okay?”

“Of course. I’ll definitely come.”

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