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“I’ve already set it up with contacts, emails, and calendars.”


“Work pays for the plan. Unlimited everything.”

I admired the smooth, glass-encased device. I played with it for a minute, unfamiliar with its interface, since I was used to my old, low-spec phone. After that, I took a moment to set up the desk the way I liked before diving into the thick manual. It covered everything, including login information, daily tasks, contacts, file management method, details about Neil’s preferences and his daily schedule, and much more. Christine had scattered Post-It notes throughout, with extra commentary rendered in her beautiful handwriting.

Even if I dedicated all day to reading the manual, I didn’t think I’d make it through to the end. So I flicked through, bookmarking anything which jumped out as being useful in the short term.

I spent the most time studying Neil’s daily schedule, admiring his structured routine. Up at five in the morning, at the gym by six, then at work by half-past seven. He stayed at work until the evening and sometimes continued to work until late at night. The rest of his evenings and weekends were free time. I counted up the hours to discover he worked at least eighty hours a week. He was a workaholic through and through.

The list of Neil’s preferences was also interesting. I learned he was a vegetarian and a non-drinker, which surprised me for some reason.

As I turned to another page, the landline phone on my desk issued a loud ring. I looked at Petra with a hint of panic. “What should I do? I don’t know what to say.”

“They will probably ask to speak with Neil. Say he’s in a meeting and ask if you can take a message.”

I heeded Petra’s advice and picked up the call.

“Neil Kingston’s office, Amelia speaking.”

“Milly,” a warm, familiar female voice said. “It’s Christine. How are you getting on?”

“Christine? Why are you calling? You’ve just had a baby!”

Christine chuckled. “Don’t worry! I’m coping very well. My sister is here. She’s had four kids, so she’s a seasoned pro at this. And the nanny Neil hired for me has been an absolute godsend. It almost feels like cheating.”

Neil hired the nanny for Christine? I guessed it was no skin off his nose. He was rich, and they had worked together for a long time. It was the least he could do.

“That’s good. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well.”

“Thanks again for helping me that time. It was a big wake-up call. Neil forbade me from stepping foot back into the office afterwards, even though it left him in quite the bind. We weren’t expecting me to leave for a few more weeks.”

“Did you want to speak with him?”

“No, I called to talk to you. So, you’ve taken my place as his secretary. I’m thrilled he agreed to it.”

“Neil agreed to it? What do you mean? Wait—was this your idea?”

“Oops. I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Yes, I may have had something to do with it.”

“So, he offered me the job because you asked him to.”

“Not at all. He wouldn’t hire just anybody at someone’s suggestion. I bet he was thinking the same thing before I even mentioned it. He must have seen something in you.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“You’re devious, Amelia.”

I had replayed those words in my head a lot since Neil spoke them. Maybe that’s what he saw in me. Still, I hadn’t been his first choice.

“He hired someone else before me,” I said.

“Yes, and what a mistake that was.”

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