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I accepted the booking without a second thought.

Cat Dad…

His username alone brought a smile to my face. Before I knew what I was doing, I thumbed through the app, trying to catch any more details about him I might have missed at first glance. His real name, for example. But there was nothing. I supposed he had his reasons for preferring anonymity—much like I did.

The app had a built-in chat function. I thought I might query him about the money he had left me, but I decided against it. Cash payments were against the terms and conditions of the app, and the chat might be monitored. I didn’t want to risk getting either of us banned. I typed a different message.

Your cats are so cute! What are their names?

I hit send and kept my eyes glued to my phone in one hand while I stirred the pot with my other hand. A few seconds later, a reply popped up inside a white speech bubble.

Chichi (grey) and Bowey (brown).

I cracked a wide smile.

Love those names.

I named Bowey after the bowtie-shaped patch in his fur.

Adorable. What about Chichi? Where did that name come from?

It’s a character from Dragon Ball. Suits her personality, don’t you think? Chichi is the headstrong princess, and Bowey is slightly dim-witted but loveable.

I could see that from meeting them today.

I chuckled. This guy was funny. And cute. And quite possibly single, judging by the state of his apartment…

Ha! What am I thinking?

I was about to slip my phone into my pocket when it pinged again. Our conversation wasn’t over.

Feel free to play with the cats. They don’t bite or scratch, and they love the attention.

Then I will shower them with affection. I love cats.

Do you have cats of your own?

No, unfortunately not. One day, maybe.

I’m sure Bowey and Chichi will love playing with you.

I grinned at my screen like a madwoman as the soup bubbled away. Who knew having a chat with an anonymous cleaning client could be so enjoyable? Way better than the quality of conversations on dating apps.

A little while later, my phone started to vibrate. I scrambled to grab it as I ate my dinner and nearly dropped it in my bowl of soup. But it wasn’t another message from Cat Dad. It was a call from an unknown number. Another job interview request? But it was late in the day for that…

I cleared my throat, summoned a professional demeanour, then answered the call. “Amelia Cross speaking.”

A moment passed before the caller said anything.

“Hi. Do you have a minute to talk?”

That voice.

Smooth, deep, luxurious. Its seductive qualities seemed amplified over the phone compared to real life.

No. It can’t be him! What the hell?


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