Page 190 of Clashing with the CEO

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Our kiss broke just long enough for him to murmur against my lips, “God, I’ve missed you…” before his mouth ravaged mine again. He twisted to press me against the arm of the couch, and his thigh nudged between mine, making my back arch.

Neil unknotted my hair from its ponytail, letting it tumble loose around my shoulders. He parted from the kiss to mouth his way to the freckle behind my ear. His palm slid under my shirt, fingers mapping the rise and dip of my ribs before cradling the swell of my breast. My head tipped back against the cushions as I let out a trembling gasp. I pulled him closer, needing to feel more of him against me. He clutched my hips as he dipped his head to lap at the hollow of my throat, stubble rough against my skin. I bucked against him.

“Getting impatient?” he growled.

“I’ve waited months.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t make you wait much longer.”

He scooped me off the couch, my legs wrapped around him, then carried me to the bed. As soon as he set me down, we divested each other of our clothing. Neil quickly took care of protection, then he dove back to me, our naked bodies crushing together, mouths meeting, devouring. I ground on him, aching for him.

“Want me?”

I nodded, biting my lower lip in anticipation.

In gentle, fluid motions, we rocked into position.

“How’s that?” Neil asked.


I moved, letting my body dictate what it wanted, chasing what felt good.

“Yes. Take what you want from me,” Neil groaned.

I clung to him, nails digging into his back. I felt his muscles ripple and strain beneath my touch. Pressure built in me, every nerve ending screaming for release. I didn’t let up until I teetered on the edge. One more ragged thrust, and I tipped over, head spinning.

I collapsed with a languid sigh.

We lay there, bodies entangled, hearts thumping. My head rested against Neil’s chest, rising and falling with his deep breaths. His fingers toyed with the ends of my hair while I traced idle patterns over the ridges of his abdomen. “I love you,” I said against his skin, pressing a soft kiss over his heartbeat. “So much.”

Neil tilted my chin up to meet me eye to eye. “I love you too. And I’ll never stop loving you.”


“Agnes! You rascal.”

That girl was going to give me a heart attack one of these days. Her frenzied clucks rang out across the yard as I gave chase, gumboots squelching in the mud. She flapped and squawked, zigging and zagging out of reach.

“Get back here!”

She ducked around the corner of the toolshed, and I scrambled after her. When I rounded the bend, she was trapped against the wire fence, clucking in distress.


With a dive, I seized her flapping body and clutched her to my chest, cooing to settle her nerves. “Silly girl.” I stroked her glossy feathers. “You know you can’t be out running amok. Dexter plays rough.”

Speak of the devil.

A flash of gold streaked by, followed by a dark blur—Dexter and Evie. Those two loved tormenting the chickens whenever they got the chance.

“Dexy, Evie, settle down! You’re scaring Agnes.”

The golden retriever puppy and black kitten glanced at me, eyes sparkling with mischief, before scampering off.

With a sigh, I trudged towards the chicken coop. After depositing Agnes inside, I stood back with hands on my hips and stared across the grounds. Twilight always made our little slice of paradise look even more enchanting. The lush greenery took on an indigo tone, while the first faint pinpricks of starlight winked into view above the horizon. I drew in a long breath, filling my lungs with the fresh, salt-tinged air. Despite living here for almost two years now, the tranquil beauty of the place never failed to give me pause. I still couldn’t believe this was my home.

Muffled clanking from the house interrupted my peaceful interlude.

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