Page 188 of Clashing with the CEO

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For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still.

Neil got out and straightened to his full height on the pavement, those dark eyes seeking me out and locking onto me with laser focus. He rolled his shoulders to work out the kinks. His hair was longer and more tousled than usual, the tips brushing the collar of his black wool coat. He looked good. Really good. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous he was. So much better in the flesh than in my memories and on screens.

For a second, we just stared at each other. The faint crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened as a smile tugged at his mouth. He moved towards me, rolling his carry-on over the cobblestones. “Hi,” he said.

His voice! That soft yet deep, velvety baritone.

“Hey. Welcome to Vienna.”

Neil closed the remaining distance between us, enveloping me in his arms. “Missed you,” he murmured against my temple, sending a delicious shiver skittering down my spine.

“Missed you too.”

When he released me, I seized his hand and intertwined our fingers, electricity thrumming through every point of contact. Neil squeezed gently as we strolled through the opulent lobby and into the lift.

“How was the flight?” I asked.

“Endless. All I could think about was getting back to you.”

“Not too busy thinking of me to get some sleep, I hope? I’ve got quite the itinerary planned for us.”

“What’s on the agenda?”

“Museums, galleries, parks, restaurants… The usual.”

“I thought you’d be all travelled out by now. I thought we’d spend most of our time… in private.” His voice carried a sinful note.

Heat prickled up the back of my neck and into my cheeks. “In that case, I promise we won’t spend too much time sightseeing.”

We paused outside the door to the suite as I dug through my purse for the key card. After I swiped the card and pushed inside, Neil rolled his luggage to a stop beside the closet door. His gaze roamed around the room, sweeping over the king-sized bed with its sumptuous linens, before flicking to the windows showcasing a view over Vienna’s frosty rooftops. One brow inched upward as he took in the details. “You really went all out.”

“You booked this place, remember?”

“I suppose you’re worth it.”

I swatted at him in faux indignation before turning my attention back to the pretty view. “It’s certainly a big step above everywhere else I’ve stayed.”

“If you weren’t so bloody stubborn, maybe you could have stayed in places like this more often.”

“If I stayed in places like this, then I wouldn’t want to leave my room, and what’s the point of that? Besides, I don’t want to have to rely on you all the time.”

“It’s okay to rely on me.”

“If it’s any consolation, I’m prepared to let you spoil me rotten for the rest of the time we’re here.”

With a firm tug, Neil hauled me flush against his body. “Good, because I plan on doing exactly that.”

He slanted his mouth over mine. My eyelids drifted shut as I surrendered to him, but he offered just a taste before he broke away, stroking my cheek. “How have you been?”

“Apart from missing you? I’ve had a wonderful time. Where do I even start? Paris was amazing, so was Lisbon, Florence…” Words failed me as a rush of memories resurfaced—winding, ancient streets; stunning art and architectural treasures at every turn; cafes overflowing into sun-dappled piazzas. A brilliant, breathtaking world which made all my anxieties feel insignificant in the grand scheme of life.

“You looked gorgeous in your photos. Radiant. Happy.”

Averting my gaze, I blinked against the unexpected sting of tears. “The first couple of months were hard. I was constantly looking over my shoulder. If it hadn’t been for Lana… She was amazing. Kept me occupied, kept me laughing so the anxiety and fear wouldn’t get to me. My other friends helped too.” I shook my head in silent awe of my resilience. “Eventually, things got easier.”

Neil tilted his head down, brows knitted. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to take care of you myself.”

“No. This was the way it had to be, and it was exactly what I needed. I’m glad I did it. But now, I can confidently say I’m ready to go back home and start our lives together.”

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