Page 170 of Clashing with the CEO

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I located his leash and clipped it to his collar. A quick ride down, then we emerged into the Viaduct. Archie stopped every few paces to sniff each pole and rubbish bin as we ambled along the waterfront promenade towards Silo Park. I tilted my face up to catch the breeze off the sparkling blue water, squinting against the glare of sunlight on gentle swells. White sails and clumsy seagulls dotted the scene. My thoughts circled to Neil, wondering how he was getting on in Singapore. Contact from him had been sparse over the last few days and provided little insight. Whatever his mysterious dealings entailed, I still nurtured a shred of unease. I sighed, dropping onto a bench facing the marina, watching luxury yachts bob at their moorings. My life had been flipped upside-down in the past year. And it was about to flip again. Soon, I’d be heading off to backpack around Europe while Neil carried on without me…

The ding of a new text message snapped me from my pensiveness. I peered at the screen. What was Hannah doing texting me at some ungodly hour in her time zone?

Do you know what’s happening with Nicole?

I shot her a reply.

About her wedding postponement?

It’s all called off now.

I gawped at the message. Nicole’s perfect romance had seemed like something out of a magazine spread—well, up until the postponement. I recalled the last conversation I had with her, and how hard she must have been trying to keep it together.

Nicole’s been quiet, but I’ve heard rumours she cheated.

Any sympathy I had for her dried up in an instant.

Damn. Poor Paul if it’s true.

Maybe this makes me a bad friend, but I think it’s true.

You know her better than me, so I have to agree.

Archie lumbered over and flopped at my feet with a groan of protest that echoed my own sigh. I gave his belly a sympathetic rub. “Getting tired, bud?”

He grunted.

“Let’s head back.”

I had no reason to dwell on the news about Nicole. To think I used to envy her life. How times had changed.

After returning to Neil’s apartment, Archie made a beeline straight for his dog bed, snuffling and turning a few times before he settled with a snore. Now that I had taken care of the pets’ needs, I had time to kill before making dinner.

Maybe I’ll read something.

I wandered over to the packed bookcase. As my fingers trailed along a row of battered paperbacks, I noticed the fine layer of dust coating the topmost shelf. I clucked my tongue, my inner neat freak waking from dormancy. Neil’s new cleaner obviously didn’t share my meticulous approach. But that was easily remedied. I rolled up my sleeves. Neil kept most of his limited cleaning supplies stowed under the kitchen sink. I gathered everything into a bucket along with a few microfibre cloths, then set to work dusting and wiping every surface.

Once I had eliminated every trace of grime, I changed the cats’ litter boxes and refreshed their water bowls. After one last survey to ensure everything was immaculate, I shucked my rubber gloves and sank onto the couch. Chichi leapt up to drape herself across my legs while Bowey hopped onto the back cushion, peering down at me with lamp-like eyes. Archie continued to snore nearby, curled up with his favourite squeaky pizza toy.

I leaned back and admired the view through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Boats drifted across the harbour, and daydreams floated in my head. I pictured Neil hovering above me, his eyes burning with lust, my fingers tangled in his hair as our mouths met again and again. I shivered, recalling his hands roving my body, his breath hot against my neck…

A noise coming from the door startled me out of my daydream. I glanced up just as the door clattered open. Neil’s dark frame filled the entryway, his carry-on luggage bumping over the threshold behind him. He was dressed in business casual, his hard jaw peppered with stubble. My heart launched into my throat at the sight of him. I swung forward and off the couch. “You’re back! I thought you were coming tomorrow?”

“Change of plans.” Neil kicked off his shoes. “My flight got cancelled, so I made a split decision to take an earlier one. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Mission accomplished!”

Archie stirred, lifting his grizzled head. At the sight of Neil, he lumbered over to greet him with a flurry of sniffs and grumbling woofs.

“Have you been a good boy while I was away?” Neil asked, stooping closer to Archie’s level.

“He’s been very well-behaved.”

“Thank you for looking after him. And the cats.”

“No problem at all.”

Once man and man’s best friend had been properly reacquainted, Neil steered me back to the couch. We sat down beside each other with his arm slung behind my shoulders. He drew me close and kissed my forehead. “I’ve missed you,” he said.

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